Madisyn: Mom (notice she is using mom not and not mommy sniff sniff) when I grow up I do not want you to buy me a car.
Mom: Ok well why do you say that?
Madisyn: Because I really love bye byes (that's what she calls our van) and I really love you and you can just take me wherever I want to go.
Mom: Well I think this is a grand idea and mommy will take you where ever you want 😉 (Thanking her stars that she will not have to freak when Madisyn gets her drivers license hehe)
Waking up this morning….
Madisyn: Mom I had a neat dream last night. I dreamed about Moses in the basket going down the water to his new mommy.
Mom: How cool Madisyn, so you remember about our bible book we read last night.
Madisyn: Yes I remember mommy but the dream was so much better.
Mom: Oh ok…
Madisyn: Mom what did you dream last night since I told you what I dreamed.
Mom: I didn't dream anything honey, I'm sorry.
Madisyn: Mom now its not nice to tell lies, everyone dreams about something at night.
Mom: :::busted out laughing:::
Madisyn: :::weird look on her face and thinks her mommy has lost it:::
It's never a dull moment here… and I just love the conversations we have. What about you, does your children come up with some funny stuff hehe.

She is adorable. I love that she’s dreaming about the bible stories. Glad she likes the bible book.
Oh you have such wonderful conversations with your girls. What a wonderful idea to capture some of them like this. I love reading your posts.
Jen I love your new hairdo.
I also love the story of Moses. You know, that movie the Prince of Egypt wasn’t entirely accurate. You might know this already, but Moses was nursed by his own mother for several years. Remember in the story when Miriam asked Pharoah’s daughter if she should fetch a Hebrew to nurse the baby? She did – and fetched his own mother. It’s hard for me to read that without crying!
And he always knew he was Hebrew, always. She taught him all about his heritage. I don’t know why they couldn’t just tell the truth in the movie.
If I were you, I’d make sure to remember her “not driving” promise for when she turns 16. hee hee