So…she has been in school right at a month. Within two weeks of starting, she wanted a new hair cut. I tried and tried to persuade her to not do it… but she was not taking no for an answer ;). She had her mind set and that is what she wanted to do!
I think she is trying to keep up with the trends of the kindy crowd, as I have seen many little girls with the bob hair cut at her school and soccer team. It’s amazing at 5 years old, they know what they want. Heck when I was 5… I believe I was still playing with dirt HA and could care less about my hair. Oh no… does this mean I might have a diva on my hands ๐
Before Front:
After Front:
Before Back:
After Back:
I am going to try and find some cute hair bows as well… as she loves her hair with a hair bow to have ya know a change from day to day ha!
I think she looks soooo cute. It did turn out shorter than we wanted it, but I assured her with plenty of vitamins and water, it would grow back out in no time.
She was so excited to go to school and show her teacher and classmates. I believe they all gave her thumbs up, which she will always have thumbs up in her mommy’s eyes!!!

She’s a doll. I love her new do!
Jenileigh’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
Its beautiful! Aubrey decided she wanted a “new” do for school too, only she wanted to color it…
I look at it like you did, it’s hair it will grow back – back when I was a kid I wanted to shave the back, you know the old shave cut girls did or some of them – now I look back and wonder but anyway – my mom always said “shave part and I will shave the rest” so I never did…
With Aubrey, as long as it’s not going to live with her for the rest of her life, I dont care what she does LOL asking of course but it totally shows off there personality I think ๐
Jenn’s last blog post..Preparing for the holidays
I think she looks adorable as always!
casual friday everyday’s last blog post..Until The End Of Time
Calista’s last blog post..Mommy, I have a funny feeling in my pants!!!!
What a short and sassy new doo. Love it!
BTW- we are having a contest that ends 9/15. All you need to do to enter is leave a comment. ๐
Ambajam’s last blog post..Baby and Toddler Jackets for Fall Weather
She’s soooo adorable. I’ve got a 6 1/2 (can’t forget that 1/2) year old boy for her. . .
Donna’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
Oh, my favorite cut is the BoB! I have worn a bob for years and it makes me feel so young and sassy. She is adorable and it does look good on her. She looks so proud!
Rhonda (Mimi)’s last blog post..Number “6”
Oh how cute – she looks awesome! I know it’s hard to see the long hair go – I kind of felt the same way when Hannah got hers cut short this summer. Although, I have to say that the shorter ‘do has been so much easier – and there are lots of cute ways to style it too. ๐
Her new haircut really suits her! Very cute!
kailani’s last blog post..Glenna Jean is Finally Here!
Aww she is too cute I love it!
Kelsey’s last blog post..::The Turkish; They Dont Care if Kids Shove Tampons in Their Ears::
It looks so bouncy and cute – I love it!
Mozi Esme’s Mommy’s last blog post..WFMW – “L” Crafts
She is rockin’ that look! SO sweet!
Heather’s last blog post..Blogging for a reason
OMG so cute!