Lactose intolerant does not have to be a problem. You do not have to stop drinking milk forever. We are just finally coming to this realization. L has had an intolerance to milk since she was very young. Vanilla Soy Milk was her choice of milk for the longest time but I started reading up on soy and wanted to give her another choice.
The Motherhood contacted me to see if I would like to work with them on a campaign with Lactaid. I was eager so L could try out this milk option. There were a few worries as she is a very picky person with her drink and food choices.
What exactly is Lactose Intolerant?
• Most people produce that natural enzyme, lactase, which breaks down lactose (sugar in milk). The amount of lactase your body produces will determine how much lactose your body can break down
• Everyone has different levels of lactose intolerance
• It is common for lactose intolerance to be progressive; many people develop a lactose intolerance later in life.
What is LACTAID?
• LACTAID® products without stomach discomfort so they can enjoy the creamy, delicious taste of dairy that they love
• LACTAID provides the lactase that the body can’t produce enough of, which helps you break down lactose
• LACTAID® Products can help people who have a lactose sensitivity to digest dairy Dairy Products are 100% real dairy, just with a natural yeast-derived
• Lactose-Free Products include Milks, Cottage Cheese, Ice Cream and is the nation’s #1 lactose-free dairy brand.
Tips for eating with Lactose Intolerance:
• Important note: if someone who is lactose intolerant consumes products containing lactose on an empty stomach, they will be more prone not to tolerate it. Eating lactose with other food will help you digest it more easily
• Many lactose-intolerant people find that yogurt doesn’t bother them
o Yogurt has live and active cultures in it that help digest the lactose
o Greek yogurt has double the protein and fewer carbs, which means less lactose and easier to digest
o If tolerated, yogurt is a great way to get nutrients and calcium needed in an everyday diet!
• Rule of thumb for eating cheese: the harder the cheese, the less moisture or whey in it—as a result, the less lactose in it.
We are looking forward to see how this works with L’s diet. She was not an almond milk fan at all, so we were both excited to try this milk. It tastes just like regular milk. The taste is what won me over right away. I will keep you posted on our changeover to Lactaid. Also, I love that Lactaid has an ice cream line too.
LACTAID® Ice Cream
• Available in 5 flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Cookies & Cream, Strawberries & Cream, Butter Pecan
• All flavors of ice cream except for Cookies & Cream are gluten free
• Half-cup of chocolate ice cream is 160 calories and 8 grams of fat
WIN! Courtesy of The Motherhood and Lactaid, I am able to offer
one awesome reader a free coupon to try Lactaid. Enter below.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post from The Motherhood and Lactaid. All thoughts and opinions are of my own.

I’d love to try the ice cream!