Last week was a blur, I feel. Unfortunately, I was stranded in NYC because of bad storms. A time when I was so ready to be in my husband’s arms with my girls doing a group hug around us, but I felt so alone and so far away. The trip was a success with a lot accomplished. Five days in a big city and away from my family was enough for this small town living girl. I finally was able to get a flight out and when I came home, the girls had grown five inches. Not really, but you get the picture. M is going to be as tall as me before long… I’m telling you!
Take a look. The girls started back to school one day after I returned. Where did the summer go?

My baby girls are growing up. One day, someone is going to invent a time slow down tool. I just know it. So as you can see, last week was very chaotic so not much blogging was able to get accomplished. I plan to catch up this week. We may have big news coming too, and I want to spill the beans but it is going to have to just wait for now. Don’t you hate when people does this to you? I know.. believe me!
For now, I am cherishing each and every moment with my children… yes, including Kingston! These three little ones stole my heart a long time ago and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Hope you all are having a wonderful Summer!

School doesn’t start here until the 28th, but the days slip by like water through my fingers. When you’re young, older people tell you time goes by more quickly when you get older but most of us don’t really understand it or believe it, until we’re the older people and boy, oh, boy were they ever right.