It is such a true and sad reality of how cancer is effecting this world. I follow many kids and pray for them nightly that God will give them their complete healing here on Earth. I feel though my prayers are just not enough sometimes and I feel my heart wanting to help so much more to bring the cure to this evil beast that is effecting millions of families across the world.
How can we help?
Be a bone marrow donor to help someone have a new life! Starting back on May 7th through May 21st… the National Marrow Donor Program is waiving the 52.00 fee to join the donor program. This is huge news for everyone and I hope they will take their program through the roof with new donors.
Please take the time to visit the site today and become a donor. You just never know you may be the one person that cancer patient needs in order for them to survive and live a wonderful cancer free life.
Don’t delay, please visit now
*hugs* to all!

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