Soooo… my Madisyn and I were in the kitchen this evening cooking supper. She is my little helper every evening. I love that she wants to be right there and help me every step of the way too.
Well we were just talking back and forth and I asked her… so Madisyn what do you think the Easter bunny will bring you in your basket Sunday? She said, I think the bunny will have me a cinderella castle, with white horses, then she looked at me and went: Mom you know I am getting older right? I said yes you sure are honey. She said I think the bunny should bring me a cell phone that is pink with rainbow sparkles on it. I just looked at her like, you are a little too young for your own cell phone babe.
When my husband came in this evening, I said ask Madisyn what she wants the bunny to bring her Sunday. He asked her and of course she told him the same thing. He said, honey you are much to young for one right now. She looked at him and said but daddy, I need to start practicing of how to dial the phone numbers. All the kids have one! Sigh!! She is only 5!
She cracks me up so much everyday with how she talks and yes I was laughing at this and thinking what do I have in store for me years to come. I mean HELLO, I didn't get my first cell phone until I graduated high school.
I was talking with a good friend on the phone tonight and her little boy will be 9 soon and she was telling me several kids at his school has them. What are parents thinking? Now I can understand the ones where you can program to just have your numbers in it, but still at 9 years old my children will be with me the biggest majority of the time. I mean come on, my oldest daughter is 5 and has never ever spent the night away from me. She even stayed at the hospital with me when I had my youngest daughter ;).
Moms what are your opinions on this? Love to hear from you!

Oh… I got talked about in your blog. ๐
There is no way that Devon will get a cell phone until he is older and has a reason. I just can’t understand why parents are getting these for their kids. Are they just turning them loose and letting them do what ever they want? Devon’s cousin that will be 10 in June got a pre-paid one for Christmas and I think the main reason they done that is so she would “be like the other kids”. Her mom does not leave her side, so why does she need one? It’s like when we where in school. Everyone had to have the slap bracelets, and all the things to make you part of the in crowd. The only thing is, is those things that we use to have or want have become big and more expensive items. What is this world coming too? Then again I am sure our parents thought about the same things when we were young.
Abby has been asking for one too – and I tell her the same thing. She is way too young – there’s just no reason for them to have a phone at this age! Not to mention that she’d only lose it within a day or two anyway. I can see the usefulness of it when they’re older and out with friends on their own more often, but not yet.
BTW – did you get my e-mail that you won a Horizon Organics coupon from me? I just need your address and I’ve got it sitting right here all ready to send out… ๐
Deb – Mom of 3 Girls’s last blog post..What do I do all day?
I definitely agree with you on this! I don’t think that kids should have cell phones unless they have a good reason (and are much older!!) and I probably would never get a cell phone for my kids and pay for it all either…if they wanted a cell phone they would have to pay for it themselves…I just don’t think that cell phone are necessary. My husband and I don’t even have one – and belive me…we don’t want one because we don’t want people to be able to get a hold of us 24/7!
Andrea’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – Big Rubber Gloves!
Love the new look for the blog Jen. Awesome job as usual. Now, about kids and cell phones. I’m sorry but that is just ridiculous. I would never get a child a cell phone. Be a responsible parent and stand up for what you know is right. A child doesn’t need a cell phone. Heck, I remember when I didn’t need one and miss the days of going out without being attached to a phone. Unless they are going to be away from us there is no need for a child to have a cell phone and even then, they should be with someone old enough and responsible enough to care for them therefore, they wouldn’t need a cell phone anyway. Just my opinion of course.
Nan’s last blog post..Unique Gift for Your Baker
Wow, I have no idea, I have an almost 5 year old and I couldn’t imagine her with a phone. Although she does like to talk on the phone…
Amy W’s last blog post..It is a Good Friday
I recently found your blog and just wanted to let you know that I enjoy it and wanted to ask your permission to add it to my reads list on my blog. Stop over and let me know!
Maybe my thoughts will one day change but my thinking is, we didn’t have them growing up and did just fine, so so will my kids. And if “everyone” has them, then there’s a lot available to them when they *really* do need one. I also feel that when we give them something like this, then they’ll be asking us for the next big thing and it would then be even harder to say “no”. I feel the same, Jen, I plan to have my kids with me as long as I possibly can. I don’t care how embarrassing I might be to them! ๐
Val’s last blog post..Happy Spring, Happy Linky-love, Happy Winnings!
Oh come on, a 5 year old needs a cell phone! Didn’t you know that, Jen? Geesh, how behind in the times are you? lol
I’m echoing Val on this, I’ve always thought that if people could live for decades without one, why is it so vitally desperate to have one now? I mean really, if they were only being used for “important” things, like an emergency or “Honey, I need you to pick something up at the store for me,thanks..” I’d understand, but watching people wander around the grocery aisles or sitting in a restaurant blithely chatting away makes no sense to me, and even less for a child!
Incidentally, my oldest is 19, in college and STILL doesn’t have one. Yes, I’m an evil mom. ๐
Wendy’s last blog post..Easter Blessings
Oh, and I almost forgot….I hope you had a Happy Easter!
Wendy’s last blog post..Easter Blessings
My 11 year old doesn’t have one and won’t for a few years. That’s just plain ole crazy!
Nicole Dean’s last blog post..Successful WAHMs โ what does it take?
I know many parents say that they want to be able to reach their kids when they need to, but… I have several problems with that at these young ages. To start with I so believe they should NOT be allowed in school – they’re disruptive even when they’re off – the kids are there to learn. If the parent needs to reach the child, contact the school! At these young ages most responsible parents only leave their kids with school, day care or friends and family they trust and can contact. So that being said, why does ANY kid need a cell phone? Remember when we used to say, but mom all the kids have one? My dad’s normal answer was and if they all jumped off a bridge would you follow? Peer pressure is the same today, the fads have just changed a bit. We still need to teach our kids the proper values and beliefs. I don’t believe they NEED cell phones for any reason until after they start driving and then ONLY for emergencies.
My daughters are 3 and 5 1/2 and I can’t imagine them having cell phones! One of my oldest daughter’s friends who is 6 does have a cell phone, but her mom works in the afternoons and she is usually with a sitter. Any way, I’m with you, I just can’t see it until maybe middle school? (5th grade) Even though my girls will occasionally spend the night with my mom or my inlaws, it’s not like they need their own phones!
I know it’s a little silly, but I think I might get my almost six year old a cell phone. I’ve been letting him borrow mine when he goes and plays at a house across the street. That way he can call me when he wants to come home (I won’t let him cross the street by himself!) Also, it’s been really handy when I want to call him to see how he’s doing. I don’t know, I can definitely see the benefit of it. I know what you mean though, it does seem a little ridiculous, especially because he is ALWAYS in the supervision of an adult. Still, I like keeping tabs on him.
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