My heart has really been convicted over the past few months. Obviously, with myself working outside of the home now, my time with the family has been shortened. I am still trying to figure out how to manage this whole work outside of the home gig, but I have been making great strides. My girls will always be my top priority of course alongside my handsome hubby. This past weekend, it dawned on me that we needed a weekly planner. With our busy schedules, each day leaves for lots of guessing at times. I found this weekly printable planner on Pinterest from
Each day is marked with what time I will get off (since we are still working over-time at work), what is for dinner that day, the extracurricular activities for the girls and who is doing pick-up and drop-off. Also, one big thing that is written for every week day – NO Technology from 5:00pm – 8:00pm. This is going to be our first week really pushing the no technology all week but it needs to happen. We are going to allow technology for the family every week night from 8:00pm to 8:45pm. I am excited to see how this works for us. Be prepared to hear an update from me next week.
Then we will end each night at 8:45 with devotions and prayers. This month, we are working through a great devotion book called God’s promises for girls. We focus on two pages a night. Each promise listed on the page includes bible verses. The girls take turns reading the scripture from the bible and then pairing it with the promise in the book. God is already showing his provision with this book. One night last week, L was very worried about her tooth. We need to get it checked out by the dentist but she just was overcome by tears. Our devotion that night was God’s promises when you are worried. Divine intervention right? The wording is appropriate for M and L. The promises are great conversation starters as well. I definitely recommend this book to Moms of little girls!
Spending more time with my family and making that time mean something instead of our faces in front of technology really means so much to me. M and L are not getting any younger. I want to cherish every minute and also grow closer to my husband.
This also means more pictures in 2014 with ME in them. I know you can relate right? Moms are usually the ones behind the camera. Also, we can’t forget about spending time with our sweet Kingston. He is the sweetest and most cuddly dog.
Here’s to focusing on the family more in 2014!

She is starting to look more and more like you Jen! Oh and Kingston, what a sweetie he is. Yes, I am worse than you when it comes to getting IN the picture but that’s one thing I want to work on too. Good luck with the technology free time. I need to have us work on that too. We are getting better at it though 🙂
Hi Jen, What a great post and wonderful idea about the planner. I need one of those. My husband is always asking me every day ” what’s on the schedule for today” he can never remember my daughters dance schedule so a planner would work well here. I really like that idea and will implement one as well. See you are very helpful as you give the rest of us good ideas, thank you so much for todays post. Your dog, what can I say but cutie patootie and I love his name Kingston fit for a King. What kind of dog is he? I also think your No Technology time out is brilliant! I would like to implement that as well. I have to admit I do not like seeing my children with their faces staring at a screen what ever chance they can get. Technology is great but as you have found I too feel it takes away from family life. What a great way to get it back by calling a time out. I just love reading your blogs <3 Have a great day Jen!
P.S. Jen if you don’t already have one get your self a tripod then you are guaranteed to get in those family pictures. I have one and just love it. For years I too was the one behind the camera now I can set the timer and woola I too am in the photo. Wish I has bought one years ago, missed out on so many family pic’s that the whole family could have been in. They are inexpensive and worth every dime.