MOM, turn the light off.
MOM, I don’t want to wake up.
MOM, I don’t want to wear that.
Those are just a few of the comments that were heard on any given school morning at our house last year. Meltdowns can put a good morning into a very bad morning really fast. I know you can relate right?
Guess what? You are not alone. Last week, I co-hosted the Virtual Breakfast with Kellogg’s along with other moms who were in the same shoes as I was with school mornings.

We were able to take away really great ideas to help have a non-meltdown morning and actually get the kids to eat a hearty nutritious breakfast.
This quote is so true:
“Our greatest inspiration behind these breakfast chats is that at Kellogg, we believe that great days start with great breakfasts,” said Sarah Woodside.
How do you ensure the kids get the nutritious breakfast?
“Be prepared,” advised Lori at La Vida Lori. “Have foods on hand for breakfast that are quick and easy to prepare, make sure the kitchen is clean the night before so you don’t have to deal with it when you’re trying to get breakfast together, and make lunches the night before.”
How do you create less chaos in the mornings?
* Sit out your child’s clothes and shoes the night before. My youngest is super picky about what clothes she wears, so this helps save time if we do it before.
* Make sure all papers are signed, homework is completed and packed away in backpacks.
* If you have a daughter with long hair, braid their hair each night to help prevent tangles.
From morning meltdowns to being too tired to eat, you can navigate any obstacles in your morning routine and breakfast menu by planning ahead. Planning ahead has been a huge key in our house. This school year, I was determined to be more organized and plan ahead. It has definitely been less stressful.
Recently, Kellogg sponsored one of the largest surveys ever conducted on breakfast and found surprising statistics about breakfast consumption, especially among kids,” said Sarah Woodside.
Among those findings:
– We see that 77 percent of young children eat breakfast every day, but the number falls to 50 percent in the middle-school years and to only 36 percent among high school students
– Results show 54 percent of all adults would like to eat breakfast every day, but in reality only one-third (34 percent) actually do
– Research shows us that although 89 percent of moms want their kids to eat breakfast every day, 40 percent report that their child does not eat breakfast daily
The key I am taking away, is make sure we are all eating a healthy and nutritious breakfast. Our bodies will thank us, our minds will thank us and we will be much happier and alert.Disclosure: I am being compensated for my time involving the Kellogg Virtual Breakfast. All thoughts and opinions are of my own.

Do you have any non-meltdown tips for toddlers????
It’s seams that they all 3 of them are in that grumpy phase when they wakes up (on their own) … and they want to eat and eat NOW… so far I only came up with a pre-breakfast snack to calm them down before real breakfast… but the fighting and whining at the table is starting to get to me 🙁
Any tips????
I like this one- Sit out your child’s clothes and shoes the night before. It is very useful, I rdid it when I was a child and it helped me a lot
My children are not always super-keen on breakfast so if I have time I try to chop some fruit to put on their breakfast cereal, it just seems to make them eat a bit more quickly in the mornings!