As I have become such a tech geek mom, I am always searching online to see what kind of deal I can find so I will not have to pay full price for a particular item that I am needing/wanting. You can use coupons correctly and not go to the extremes as shown on the TLC Extreme Couponing. This show shows people going way to far with coupons and they do not realize their habits are going to limit us regular folks using coupons. Businesses are already limiting people to 20 coupons per shopping trip.
My husband always tells everyone that Jen’s motto is “Never pay full price.” Just how big of a discount can one get? It is totally up to the person on how much searching and time you want to spend. Lucky for us moms, there is a website that you all are going to love.
A group of bloggers collaborated on a project to help us moms spend less time searching for coupons. My Coupon Database allows you to search for a particular grocery coupon.
As stated on their website it is a:
Searchable database of all printable, newspaper insert, magazine coupons and e-Coupons available.
I will write out my grocery list each week now and then go to the coupon database on website to type in the products on my grocery list to see if there is a coupon that I can print out. You might say, “well I would rather not sit there and search for each grocery item individually.” No problem at all. The coupon database allows you input multiple keywords separated by a comma with their multiple search functionality.
This database has saved me so much time each week and allowed me to actually save more money. Go give it a try and see how you fare 🙂
Full Disclosure: I was in no way told or even asked to write this blog post by My Coupon Database. It is just a neat tool that I wanted to share with all of you!

I do it the old fashioned way and compare sale papers with the coupons I have and what I can find on I may have to try your way. Has to be faster. I’m just always afraid I’ll miss something if I don’t do it all myself.
That’s great Jen. I am so bad at grocery coupons but I do shop around for deals on just about any other purchase. I don’t like paying retail when there are so many options to help keep us living frugal.
I am with Cindy… I too do it the old fashioned way 😛
just that i compare from various coupon websites