Do you have a pet peeve?
What about a pet peeve that not others do but YOU do?
I am driving myself crazy here. I have this problem with cabinets in the kitchen.

See how those cabinets are nicely closed shut? Well, you see I have this problem where I go to open the cabinet door but the cabinet door never gets shut behind. How hard is it to shut the cabinet door behind me? My mind will not understand that the door needs to be shut. I cannot stand walking in a kitchen and seeing doors open. My husband is going crazy too because he cannot stand for the doors to be wide open either, yet I do the same thing every single day. Open the door, grab what I need and walk way. It is not that hard to remember is it?
My husband said yesterday morning, Jen, why do you not close the cabinet doors behind you? I responded promptly and said, I have a problem. I am trying hard to overcome this problem, but my brain will not wrap itself around why I need to close the doors. Please help! He just sat there and laughed at my craziness….
Do you have a pet peeve that YOU do?

Haha! I have the same problem! My poor husband is always cracking his noggin or poking his eye on the corners of cabinet doors that I’ve left open. I can’t close them. I don’t know why. Looking behind me now I see no less than four doors left open, and I’m not sure about the ones I can’t see, but they’re probably open, too. It drives everyone around me crazy, but I can’t help it!
Ahhh… this makes me feel better!
I loved your latest post about kitchen cabinets being left opened. I don’t do it for I like them closed but other family members do. They don’t leave them all the way open just a crack where they don’t bother to see that it is all the way closed and that bothers me. I am always going around closing them.
My biggest pet peeve is my husband does not put down the toilet seats. No matter how many times I have told him to do this he always forgets to do it . I have made up signs for the bathroom wall reminding him to put the seats down and that doesn’t work. I have yelled at him ( you think he would get tired of hearing me yell, ha ha but no ) Nothing seems to work! We even got a new toilet recently with self closing seats. All you have to do is give it a gentle push and down both seats go. Couldn’t be any simpler but yet he walks away leaving the seats up every time he uses it. I mean a dog can learn new tricks why can’t my husband. Let me know ladies if you too have this same problem and if it drives you crazy. I mean who wants to walk into the bathroom and see both seats up. It looks disgusting and what if you had guest over. At my wits end, any helpful hints from any one? Would sure appreciate it. Thank you Jen for letting us air out our pet peeves. Good luck to you and may you remember to close your cabinet doors, lol
Haha Sharon! You would think he would get it but it goes back to my cabinet door issue. Why will our minds not realize it? I’m glad we can help each other through these pet peeves.
Yes Jen if only to be able to get them off our chest and air them out. I hold out much hope for you remembering to close your kitchen cabinets as for my husband not so much, Lol but you know it felt good getting it out there. Just love your One Moms World, love reading your posts, enjoy your stories of your family ( your daughters are adorable) , learning about new things and new products. I actually love when I see in my email a new post that you have, first thing I click on. You do a great service for all us Mom’s. Thank you for all you do and how hard you work to be able to share with all of us.
P.S. thank you for your response, it put a smile on my face 🙂
My pet peeve is many but one is my husband doesn’t know how to clean up after himself. When he makes anything to eat he can’t clean up. Also he does not close the bread bag after taking bread out. He also can’t fill the sugar bowl when it becomes empty. He can’t put the lid back on the sugar bowl properly. He puts food in the refrigerator without wrapping it in foil first. I can go on and on but that is enough for now LOL 🙂
Familiar! 🙂
All. of. the. time! It’s insane!!
This is Dev all the way! We just had this talk last night, it drives me crazy! He does not see a problem with it at all. lol