Houston we have a problem!
Madisyn came to me today to let me know her tooth was hurting and it was loose. She said mommy something is wrong with my tooth please fix it. I thought ok this is a weird request, but hey moms get all kinds of requests right. I just chocked this one up to maybe she thought it felt weird.
I had her open her mouth for me and the brave mommy stuck her two fingers in to inspect this tooth problem. Ahh haaa… mommy dentist Jen has just the answer. My dear four year old… almost five year old has her first loose tooth. How can this be happening… it was just yesterday wasn't it that she was teething to get her baby teeth in? I immediately got sad and starting going back down memory lane to my little girl getting her first tooth. I remember exactly. We had just got back from the post office. She was seven months old, and I went to get her out of her car seat and I saw her shiny new white tooth. It will be forever in my brain ;).
Ok.. after sappy mommy snapped out of memory lane, I explained that when you become a big girl, then you will lose your baby teeth so you can get your big girl teeth in. OH MY GOSH… the water works were immediately turned on. "But mommy no no no, I do not want to lose my teeth, I want to keep them" I said but hun, the baby teeth have to come out and we will give them to the tooth fairy and she will leave you a surprise.
Mom tooth fairy is for tv only, I know tooth fairies are not real! WHAT? LOL. Now mommy just got her own surprise. I never in a million years would think she would not believe in tooth fairies. She said mommy please tell me you were just playing. Please mommy I want to keep my teeth. She was really shook up by this, and was leaching around my neck and would not let go until I told her the answer she wanted. I finally just gave in and said ok Madisyn you will not loose your teeth. Mommy is silly!
Gosh I know that was the wrong thing to say, but she was so tore up about this and crying and I cannot let her cry. I just can't. My heart aches when my girls cry. Please let me know how you handled this with your children, so I can start preparing her now for this tooth. It is just now loose so I know I can buy me some time until the actual tooth is ready to come out.
Wow… the drama. It's just starting right? hehe

We had our 2nd lost tooth yesterday for my 6-year-old! She is terribly excited each time she’s lost a tooth though and is all about the tooth fairy coming, so I don’t really have any advice… It’s hard when they’re so upset – at least now you’ve got some time to get her really prepared and used to the idea since it’ll probably be some time before the tooth actually comes out.
I looked it up in her baby book and Abby had her two front teeth from January 31, 2002 until August 2007. Five years – it’s strange that we’re so excited when the teeth come in and then so excited (in our case anyway!) to see them come out… Kind of bittersweet actually.
Good luck!
I do not remember what I did when my oldest was loosing teeth and to be honest my 14 is still loosing teeth. She is a big baby and does not want to loose them so she lets them be loose in her mouth for as long as possible. Now my 5 year old still does not have any loose teeth so I am not much help for you at all but I love some of the cute little comments your daughter has to say.
That’s too funny! My son was excited when I told him he’d get “Big boy teeth” maybe the term “big girl teeth” woudl work? I don’t know. though we haven’t actually gotten to the “loosing the teeth” part.
I have no suggestion as to how to handle her not wanting t lose her teeth. But bless her heart (and yours). The problem with my boys was once they learned teeth come out, tooth fairly leaves money for each one…they all tried to pull out every tooth in their head. All four were like this, even the now 26 yo.
Hugs and good luck on this one.
awwwww Jen and Madisyn, sad sad times. lol Your baby really isn’t a baby anymore is she? And little Mady girl had to let go of her pretty little teefies. LOL
Well, Aubrey’s 8 and has lost several but STILL hates EVERY minute of it – she KNOWS the tooth fairy is not real, but LOVES the money so she “plays along.” (She totally likes being at her auntie’s house when she looses one, she got 10 bucks from that tooth fairy). But yep, we had HUGE drama’s about loose teeth – for ONE tooth to fall out it takes at LEAST 1 -1 1/2 months to “fall out” – Aubrey even refuses to wiggle it, even though she says its bothering her. Heck when I was a kid, I was like wiggling teeth that I knew were not loose hoping! 🙂
Good luck –