I was “tagged” by Nell Taliercio and Nicole Dean – so here is a little inside info on Jen 😉
Four Jobs I’ve Had :
1) Waitress
2) Office Assistant Grocery Store
3) Head Cashier at Home Improvement Store
4) Art Technician
Four Movies I Can Watch Over And Over :
Hmm… I am definitely not a big movie watcher.. geez I can’t even remember the last one I watched. I know two of my all time favorites are Hope Floats and Steel Magnolias
Four TV Shows I Love To Watch :
1) American Idol 🙂
2) Dr. Phil
3) Young and Restless
4) Nancy Grace
Four Places I’ve Been On Vacation :
1) Niagara Falls Canada
2) New York City
3) Pigeon Forge, TN
4) Miami, Fl
Four Tunes That Play In My Head :
Most of the time… it’s kids songs LOL
1) Fruit Salad Yummy Yummy Thanks to the Wiggles 😉
2) It’s Amazing What Praising Can Do.. Madisyn and I love singing this together
3) You are My Hero.. (Mine and Hubby’s Song)
4) ABC’s.. We sing them throughout the Day here
Four Favorite Dishes :
1) Just about anything with Chicken.. YUMMY
2) Lasagna
3) Turkey Burgers and Roasted Potatoes
4) Soft Tacos w/ turkey meat
Four Websites I Visit Daily :
1) Mom Masterminds
2) Google.com/adsense
3) My Sites
4) Blogs I have saved in my favorites
Four Books I Really Love :
1) Chicken Soup for the Soul Series
2) E-books About Internet Marketing
3) I am Reading Bob Green’s 12 Week Makeover Right Now
4) My HUGS books
Four Places I’d Rather Be :
1) In my Hubby’s Arms (He is finally coming Home Today)
2) On Vacation to Florida Beach
3) Taking Girls Back to Disney so Lyndsee can Enjoy
4) At the Park.. It is so cold here today and the girls enjoy the park so much.
Four Bloggers I’m Tagging :
1) Nan
2) Kelly
3) Marie
4) Niki

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