What a crazy winter/spring season this has been!
One minute we are needing our shorts and short sleeve shirts and the next minute we are needing our long johns here in the south. Our weather is keeping us on our toes for sure. Just last week, I went through my entire closet and packed away all my winter clothes. My closet is pretty bare right now actually. I did not realize that I have such a huge wardrobe of winter clothes. I told myself last week that the closet purge would probably cause the weather to take a nose dive in temperatures. The weather did not let me down unfortunately. We woke up to this yesterday morning…

The girls were so giddy thinking they would have a snow day. Alas, school was on as scheduled. I did remind them though, this is the first year they will be starting summer vacation before Memorial Day. They were all smiles. We only have 23 days of school. I cannot believe this school year has flown by. I just hope that the weather quits being moody and we stay with warm weather for awhile. Believe me, I am a huge snow lover but we are getting ready to move into May. It is time for the cold weather to leave and let us mountain folks enjoy the beautiful sunshine.
What has the weather been like in your area?

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