A startling fact: car crashes are a leading killer of children ages 1 to 13. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an average of two children died every day in 2011 from motor vehicle crashes. However a properly-installed car seat can make all the difference. From 1975-2011, NHTSA estimates that nearly 10,000 children age 4 and younger have been saved because of child restraints.
We’re proud to partner with NHTSA on Child Passenger Safety Week (September 15 – 21, 2013)—an annual initiative to encourage parents and caregivers to make sure that they are correctly using and installing their car seats. The week’s activities culminate in National Seat Check Saturday on September 21, when parents can meet with certified child passenger safety technicians to inspect their car seat installation for free.
My sweet girls, I always wanted the best for them in car seats. Looking back, I felt like I turned M around too soon. I do regret that but made sure that I did it right with L. L was in a five-point harness until she was 8 years old and then her weight reached the maximum for her to be in a five-point harness. She still is in a booster seat and prefers to still ride on one too. You can never be too safe when it comes to keeping your child safe in a car.
Let’s make certain every child is buckled the right way every ride, every time.

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