It was quite the weekend at the Spink household. We are moving and shaking things up. It is all good news though in which we give praises to our Lord!
After deciding to go back to college so I could take another direction in life, I never thought I would be on the the roller coaster with medical issues between all family members. We have the medical issues behind us though and I am now a graduate with a Business Administration and Logistics Management degrees!
My mom and dad were proud and it meant so much to me that they could attend this graduation. I have been praying every day that God will guide and direct me after graduation. It is time for a career and not just a job. My skill set is quite broad and my prayer was that a job would come across the table that would allow me to use my skills. I don’t want to just show up for work each day, I want to grow with an organization. As I walked backstage at graduation, my cellphone rang in my daughter’s hand. We weren’t allowed to have our cellphones backstage, so I left it with M. My step-daughter and M walked backstage to find me because they thought I would want to take this important phone call. You see it was an organization that over the past couple of weeks were bringing me into their office for interviews. The phone call was to alert me that I was the candidate of their choice. The timing couldn’t have been better, as the time had come for me to walk across stage to accept my degrees. God is so good!
It amazes me all the time on how God works. Our timing is not his timing. We have to lean on his understanding when it comes to time. The future is bright. My feet are firmly planted to the floor to start my “career.”
Celebration continued on Sunday for Mother’s Day. Growing up, my main goal was to be a mom. God blessed me with two beautiful and bright girls. See that picture at the top of this post? It is now my phone screensaver because it brings an immediate smile to my face every time I catch a glimpse of the picture. My girls are growing into young ladies but they still very much need their mommy. For this, I am happy. M surprised me with a DIY project. She placed the project on my dresser. My heart. She knows the way to my heart with her DIY projects!
Monday was my birthday. Graduation, Mother’s Day, new job and my birthday all in one weekend was not my plan. It was God’s plan. His plan is always better than mine. I will remember this BIG weekend forever. The love shared by family, close friends, and precious co-workers will stay close to my heart.
Here’s to new beginnings! I’m smiling!

Congratulations! You are an amazing woman! I am so happy for the all of the good things happening in your life right now! 🙂
Goodness, woman! What an exciting time! No hints as to where and what this new job is? I’m extremely curious. You’re unstoppable, so whatever it is, you’ll rock it. 😀
I am so glad that I was there to watch you walk across the stage. I can’t wait to watch Gods plan unfold for you! Love you!!
WOW Jen you have come so far and have accomplished so much. Your hard work and determination have paid off. You have much to be proud of. The best of luck to you in your future. Things will continue to go on up from here, there is no stopping you! Congratulations!