Stressed, Frantic, Overwhelmed, Excited, Anxious… how about all those emotions wrapped up into one and who does it describe. The beautiful (haha) talented (haha) Jen Houck.
My better half has accepted a transfer to his company’s headquarters in Tampa, Florida. We will be right on the bay. I am thrilled yet going crazy all at the same time. I’m still trying to keep my mind going with my business all the while trying to get the house packed up too.
Has anyone made a multi-state move?
I feel really good about this move. I will always be a mountain girl at heart but there is only so many opportunities here where we live and I can see so many more great opportunities for my family, my business and hubbs career. Also most importantly my girls will have both sides of the family near by instead of only mine.
Sooo with all that said that is why Jen may be sporadic for the next month ;). To jump start this move and for me to get re-energized we will be taking a vacation soon 🙂
If anyone has any tips for a big move like this, please feel free to share below in the comments!

Going from Mountain babe to Beach babe! hehe
We need to meet before you move…. 😀
Congratulations on your move! I have to say I’m a little sad. I think we live in the same state now and I was hoping to get to meet you sometime. I hope you keep offering us great parenting tips from the mountain perspective even in FL!!!