My daughter has brought me to tears twice this week… and may I speak up and say not because she was being bad. The very reason tears streamed down my cheeks are the words that came out of her beautiful mouth.
I have always said there is such an old soul in my beautiful M. Anyone that see’s her always says the same thing.
First she quietly went downstairs and counted all her change she had been saving. She marched right up the stairs and handed her dad the change. With a smile on her face courageously said “Dad take this money and pay all your dr bills with it.” Hubbs and I both were brought to tears. Of course we would never tell her, that they wouldn’t pay all the bills, its the thought and the courage that she put forth that just takes our breath away. That is our little girl.
Then yesterday morning as we were making our morning routine trip to school, she excitedly said… “Mom, we are making cards today to send to the soldiers that are fighting the war.” I told her how thoughtful that was and it would definitely make a great Christmas memory for the soldiers. Then just right out of the blue said “Mom, do you know who else is helping fight the war?” I said… oh who is that?
“Mom, Jesus is helping fight the war.” The tears just welled up in my eyes…
That is so right baby girl… he is indeed helping fight the war. She is something else… so caring, so gentle, always thinking of others. I just love her!
She is turning 6 years old next Friday. She seems so grown up and wise for her age. It warms my heart so much though, because I must be doing something right with this parenting journey.
These pictures, I have shared throughout this post are ones I took today outside our home for her 6th birthday portraits. I thought they turned out soooo well.
Remember this Christmas season, “Jesus is indeed the reason for the season.”

What a special little girl you have…
Felicity’s last blog post..Yep, I am still here… waiting!
What a precious girl you have there! Not only is she beautiful on the outside, but she is obviously beautiful on the inside too. 🙂
Andrea’s last blog post..It’s up!
Oh what a sweet spirit she as!and those pictures are great!!!
Renee’s last blog post..Sarah birth story part 2 : we’re staying !
I like the pics…they did turn out good! BTW…I just remembered about her bday party, I’m sorry we missed it. Since I’ve been sick, I haven’t really thought about anything. Hope she had a good time!
Holly’s last blog post..All is well…again…
What an angelic little girl you have. She is just too precious. She would make a very cute model and she has the personality to go with it. What a sweet genture to want to help pay the bills. God Love her!
Rhonda (mimi)’s last blog post..12 Days Left!
She’s such a darling little girl Jen. You’ve done great raising her thus far!
casual friday everyday’s last blog post..Will It Or Won’t It?
Oh, what a sweet and wise daughter you have! What a good mommy you must be!
SarahHub @ Oakbriar Farm’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday – Santa Baby
I absolutely love it when I hear kids say and do things like that. It’s just so sweet.
Tishia Lee’s last blog post..Bipolar, Substance Abuse & God