It is so hard to believe that summer is over for us. I’m not sure how it is over as it seems it just started. It has been a weird summer with lots and lots of rain. Our yard has been flooded a few times but thankfully we are all safe.
The girls went back to school last week. The first week was a success which makes this mommy very happy. I always worry when the girls start a new year as I hope it is a good personality mix with the teachers. If the first week is any precursor to the rest of the year, then I think it is going to be a great year!
Each year, I always take the girls picture on their first day of school. Even looking back on all their pictures now, I want to start crying all over again. Life is going by too fast and I wish I could slow down time. It is just hard to believe that they are in 5th and 3rd grade this year.
My plan is to make the girls a photo album of all their first day school pictures. Hallmark is making that super each with their Pics “n” Props school days activity kit. The chalkboard the girls are holding in their pictures are from this activity kit. Super creative right? The kit includes:
* A red frame with pre-designed signs (preschool through 12th grade) for kids to hold while saying “cheese!”
* Journaling cards with questions for each school year, including “Who’s your teacher?”, “Who are your friends?” and more
* A “My First Day!” photo album to store each year’s photo and journaling card
This kit helps parents have an all-in-one memory kit to help you document these special days of your child’s life. It helps make the photos fun and crafty. You can choose this kit and many more types of memory kits at or at your local Hallmark store.
Now, I will pass the tissue as your celebrate your child’s first day of school. Here’s to a great year!
Disclosure: Hallmark provided me with an Activity Kit in order to facilitate this review. All thoughts and opinions are of my own.

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