Memories are very dear to my heart. Growing up, I never hardly even left the state of NC. We did make it to Tennessee a few times and I once went to Florida with my 6th grade class. As soon as I had my girls, I wanted their adventures to be different. We have such a beautiful country and I am determined to explore it as much as possible with my sweet girls.
On our recent trip to Philadelphia, PA, we made a pit stop in Washington D.C. Traffic was a nightmare, the heat was on, but thanks to my wonderful husband, we made it to the White House. This was our first time seeing the White House. What a true honor to be able to see it altogether for the first time.

L exclaimed really loudly – “Mommy, I can take a picture of us to show and tell at school.” I knew right there, she was excited to see the White House in person. It will be a memory that we will all hold forever.
On our last day in Philadelphia, we were able to take a private tour over to the Liberty Bell at 7:45 in the morning. We were beating the heat and not having to wait in line. Huge score. One of the Park Rangers took her time and really described in full detail about the journey of the Liberty Bell. Did you know they take x-rays of the bell?

Each x-ray shows the the hidden flaws of the Liberty Bell. Very fascinating!
I love the history behind the bell. Of course being true believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, we love the inscription on the bell.
“Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the Land unto all the inhabitants thereof” (Leviticus 25:10)
The bell has not been rang since 1846 for George Washington’s birthday. It is amazing that we have been able to hold onto this piece of history. M and L were both fascinated by this piece of history.

Making family memories to last a lifetime….

What a fabulous trip. Such history.