Moms are so busy with being a mom; they forget to take out time for themselves. Rest and Relaxation are two things for sure a mom needs to make sure they put into their daily schedule. This not only rejuvenates a mom, but also makes for a saner mom.
You know for yourself, if a mom is angry, upset, or tired, then the whole house is all in frenzy. Moms are for the most part in charge of making the house go smooth. We are either changing diapers, cooking meals, helping with homework, or spending mommy and me time with our children.
We are all about everyone else, so we must make sure to be all about us for at least 30 minutes a day.
What techniques can I do to help me give some me time?
1) Go in a quiet room and read a book or magazine.
2) Late evening, take a quiet walk in your subdivision or neighborhood.
3) Relax in your bathtub with bubble bath and votive candles lit all around the bathtub or Jacuzzi tub.
4) Work on a hobby like sewing or scrap booking.
5) Go shopping for yourself or get a manicure/pedicure.
6) Sit out on your porch swing and just collect your thoughts for the day.
7) Watch a favorite sitcom or movie on TV after the kids go to bed.
8) Call up a friend and have a nice adult conversation without kids interrupting you.
9) Write in a journal to get thoughts off your mind and clear your head for the next day.
10) Divulge in your favorite food and not feel guilty about it.
These are just some ideas to get you started on making it routine to take out some time for yourself each and everyday. You will realize how less stressful each day is. Also you are doing something for yourself and not for everybody else.
For more ideas and help on being a mom, visit today. You will find great articles, tips and more.

What a great article my friend!
thanks for the great article.
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