This sponsored post is in partnership with The Motherhood and Johnson’s Baby!
Mother’s Day is just days away. This day couples with my birthday. Growing up, I always wanted to be a mom. My mom would come into my bedroom with my baby dolls lined up and I would play “house” for hours. Once I became an adult, I could not wait to actually hold my own child in my arms.

Holding my first-born daughter M, was the best feeling in the whole wide world. I wouldn’t even let her go to the nursery. I just wanted to hold her forever. Less than two years later, we welcomed baby L!

The girls are my world. Tears well up in my eyes just thinking of the beautiful girls that God gave my husband and I. At times I feel like that I am not being the best mother that the girls deserve and then I get a priceless note from them that reminds me that… I am doing OK!
This video makes me smile so much. Those nights that my sweet L would wake up every two hours, I wouldn’t have traded for anything. Her gummy smile would say… I love you mom!

As they grow older, I think of all the nights my mom would stay up with me to study. M loves me to quiz her on all her study guides. My mom would sit and do the same thing with me for many years. She never complained once and always did it with a smile. L has now started studying for tests and we come up with very creative ways to make it fun so she will not lose interest. My mom would do the same for me. I love you MOM!
I love you M and L. Thank you for making me a mom. You will always have my heart.
Through all the hospital stays, the chaotic days at home and the big smile days, life as a mother for the last 11 years have been the best days of my life.

Moms, this Mother’s Day remember… you’re doing OK!
JOHNSON’S® Baby CARES, the JOHNSON’S® Baby brand’s charitable platform, is committed to ensuring that every baby has a healthy and happy start through educational and social initiatives, product donations, and financial support.
As an extension of this promise, for every view of the “You’re Doing OK, Mom” video above between now and Mother’s Day, JOHNSON’S® Baby will donate $1 to Save the Children®, up to $50,000.

Hi Jen, Just saw this blog, very sweet and a nice way of reassuring all of us mom’s that indeed we are doing ok, we may not be perfect but we are the best mom we can be and we love our children and our children love us, what more can we ask for. We are growing and discovering together and that’s the fun of it. You need never question your self as a mom Jen for the love you have for your kids pours out of your blogs and spills onto your readers and helps to inspire and enrich all us other moms. Great job you are doing in educating, sharing and inspiring us all. Just love your blogs <3 Thanks Jen for becoming my friend 🙂
If I read correctly you said your birthday falls on Mothers Day, now isn't that the greatest!
Here is my Birthday song for you:
Happy Birthday Dear Jen
Happy Birthday Dear Jen
Happy Birthday Dear Jen
I am glad you have become my friend
Goofy maybe but sentiments are sincere, love you Jen hope you had the best Mothers Day and birthday all wrapped into one. Hope you are feeling better also, Love Sharon