Disclosure: We were invited on behalf of Georgia Aquarium to experience the sights and sounds. Our room and tickets were comped. All thoughts and opinions are of my own.
Make a mental note and put Georgia Aquarium on your family summer schedule. For years, I have been hearing about this really cool aquarium but was just recently able to experience it in person with my family. Read to the bottom for a change to win an awesome giveaway for your family!
I will just go ahead and say, this aquarium exceeded all of our expectations. L is such an animal lover so we knew this trip would rank high up on her list. Even L was blown away once we walked through the entrance doors.
A great perk is the Georgia Aquarium has partnered with Hilton Garden to offer a Georgia Aquarium package. The package includes tickets and breakfast buffet. Since the hotel was right beside the Aquarium, it worked out beautifully as we could leave our car parked at the hotel and walk to the aquarium. Our room and view was amazing. Very clean and full of southern hospitality. The breakfast included a buffet as mentioned before and made to order waffles, french toast and eggs. SCORE!
Great rest, beautiful morning view and a delicious breakfast was a win-win combination to start the day. As soon as we walked over to the aquarium, we were escorted to meet our tour guide for our behind-the-scenes tour. This was great one-on-one interaction for our family. L asked such intriguing questions. Our tour guide was very impressed but so informative for us all. L did not leave his side during the tour.
The first stop of the tour was watching the whale sharks during their morning feeding time.
As we were heading to the next stop on our tour, we had to take a peek at this little guy.
All day the aquarium filters the water.
The tour was very enlightening to what all goes on behind the scenes to run the aquarium properly. Very intricate tasks need to be done to ensure the fish and animals stay healthy.
The aquarium grows about 35% of their own coral reef. They hope to increase this number to near 90% over the next few years. Once again, it was so interesting to see all the steps that needed to be taken.
School groups are able to go on the tour and enjoy educational fun games along the way.
You will not only see all different types of fish but they have penguins as well. We were able to see penguins that were only a month old. Look how cute!
Any time an animal needs medicine or surgery, these tasks are done on-site. There is a surgical room and veterinarians on-staff 7 days a week to take care of all needs. Amazing!
After our tour, we were able to go through the tunnel with fish swimming all around us. Take a moment and realize what you are watching. All types of species.
We were surrounded by beauty and L was truly over the moon.
The girls decided to take a crawl under the penguins exhibit. Fun interaction for sure.
As you can see, there is plenty for the family to enjoy. So much to see and so much to do.
With more than 10 million gallons of fresh and marine water and more aquatic life than found in any other aquarium, you are sure to see things you’ve never seen before!
Several show exhibits are available with your ticket and we decided to end our day by watching the Dolphin Tales show. We did not realize the treat we were in for. This show will keep you on the edge of your seat as the dolphins perform amazingly right before your eyes.
We did NOT want to leave. I have been to aquariums before where yes, you seen the animals but you are ready to leave after two hours. This aquarium is not like this at all. You and your children will not want to leave the awesome experience.
The aquarium is showing their southern hospitality by offering a sweet deal this summer. to their neighbors in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama and Florida. Visit them for just $29.95 +tax for an adult Total Ticket this spring, until June 13, 2014. That’s a nearly 17% savings on our regular price ticket.
GIVEAWAY {$330.00+ Value}

would love to win this great trip to the aquarium it looks awesome for all ages
would love to see these animals and their normal everyday way of surving
My 9 year old son has autism and loves animals, he would love this trip so much!!!! I would love to see him so happy!!!!
I would take my husband, son, and sister to visit the aquarium. My son is 19 months old and would love seeing the dolphins.
I would take my family to see the Georgia Aquarium, looks so awesome. My kids would love to see everything the aquarium has to offer. What a wonderful day to share with the family to watch and learn about all the sea life. Wonderful pictures Jen, thank you for sharing, you have definitely sparked my interest.
Would love to win these! These would fit in perfet with a long weekend camping trip to Stone Mtn. in GA. Thank you for sharing! 🙂
My little girl and I are bananas for marine life. We always stop in Atlanta for the night on my way to my mom’s. (It’s the halfway point and a perfect excuse to hang with some dolphins!)
This is too good to pass up! I hope to win. lol
This looks like an awesome place! Would love to win!
I would take my husband and son (and maybe a friend too!)
I would take my hubby!