I cannot believe that I just wrote that title. Let me pause for a moment. I need to grab a tissue.
How can my baby be 9 years old? I have been requesting for time to slow down for years, but for some reason the time just continues to speed to a faster rate.
Look at that sweet face. Oh I miss the baby stage so much. She just warms my heart and soul so much. The one bright spot is L is still very much attached to her mommy. I need to be in her presence, especially at night. She still loves to play with my hair. My hair has been a lovey ever since she was a baby. She use to play with my hair while she was nursing and then moved on to playing with my hair while she was trying to fall asleep.
She is such a blessing. This past year has had lots of ups and downs. The downs include her multiple hospital stays and so many worries about her health. It is my prayer that she will have a better year this year. We give God the glory for bringing her through all she has been through. One of the awesome ups is L asking Jesus into her heart. This was on July 28 and that evening will forever be etched in my brain. She came to me all on her own to say she was ready to ask Jesus into her heart. I immediately stopped what I was doing and went upstairs to be with her and pray. We asked Daddy to join us so she could tell the great news to him. We are such a proud mom and dad of our L.
L is thriving so much in school as well. She did miss over 30 days of school last year and we thought this may hurt her academic wise. It is quite the opposite. Her teacher tells me that she is very involved in class and always wants to help others. L has such a giving spirit about her. There are days that she will wake up and just want to do something to help others. Beautiful spirit indeed. I, as an adult, am learning so much from her personality. Always giving forward to others.
L has a mild addiction, or should I say major addiction to mine craft. The online architecture building game. Anyone else’s child addicted to this game? We have to put time constraints on her technology time as he would sit and build all day long. Offline, she is in love with LEGO friends. It is amazing what she can build with each package she receives. I can’t wait to have an open desk for her so she can show off her artistic building capabilities. L is very artsy and loves to draw. My plan is to have a whole shelf dedicated to all of her art supplies. Art supplies were first on her list when she was asking for birthday gifts. She is going to be one amazing girl when she grows up as an adult. I know God has great plans for her. I can wait for a long while for that though as I just want to keep her as my sweet precious little girl.
L loves to sing as well. I am still trying to get a video of her beautiful voice. As we are driving to school each morning, she will sing at the top of her lungs to our Matthew West CD. The tune she carries is amazingly beautiful too. I just know God is going to use these wonderful talents for good will.
Pet lover is still a great name for L. She is on a huge kick about wanting a bunny. We are trying to steer clear of this request. Animals just bring out so much happiness for her and still will tell you her favorite amusement park is SeaWorld because of all the animals. Be still my heart.
Mommy, cannot believe you are 9 L. I could not be more proud of you though and I want you to keep being YOU. Reach for the stars and look to the Good Lord for guidance in your life. Mommy and Daddy will always be behind you as your biggest cheerleader.
Happy Birthday L!!

Oh Jen, how is she nine?! I truly can’t believe it. Made me tear up. Our babies aren’t babies anymore.
This one is for L,
Happy, happy birthday L. Although I don’t know you in person I have become to know you from all the wonderful stories your Mom has told. You are a sweet loving caring person whom makes your Mom and Dad so very proud of you and us readers who have become so very fond of your mother know the love that your parents have for their children. I love reading about your wonderful family and you and your sister M are god’s gift to parents. You have such a loving caring mom and her stories about her family melts my heart. I found your mothers blog by sheer luck one day and have been following her ever since. It is the highlight of my day to read a new blog she post. I consider your Mom a friend even if it’s across the miles and over the internet. Enjoy a wonderful birthday, have so much fun and may you get everything your heart desires. You already have the greatest birthday gift of all time, a mother who loves you with all her heart <3 Enjoy your special day!
Happy birthday to her! I sure hope this year goes a little bit easier on her. Sweet, sweet girl! You’re a happy, blessed mama.
She IS growing much too fast. ((HUGS)) to you mommy as I know it’s hard to watch them grow up. Funny, Bug has gotten into MineCraft too and would sit there all day building if I let him. He’s not happy when I don’t.