Today during a sweet lunch with my girls at Panera Bread, L had an enlightening conversation with me.
Most everyone knows that L is a mommy’s girl. She does not let me out of her sight for long. For example tonight, I was at M’s fiddle lessons for an hour and L cried the entire time for me. My husband called and said get home. Next time, I will just take her with me. A big change is getting ready to take place and I think that is playing part into the separation anxiety too.
Since she is so close to me, this conversation was not a big shock but still made me giggle. She let it be known that she was not having kids and not getting married. She was going to live at home with her mommy and daddy. M told her that she would change her mind once she got in high school. L popped up and said,
“No I will not because I will not have a boyfriend since I am not going to kiss a stranger.”
I am just happy that I will never have to experience the empty nest syndrome. All kidding aside, it will be neat to tell her about this conversation when she brings her first boyfriend home.
Both girls are growing into their own personalities so much and although it aches me to see them grow up so fast, I do enjoy our conversations so much. You just never know what they are going to say, especially L!

Hi Jen,
Enjoyed your story about L. It reminds me of a story with my oldest daughter when she was very young. I was video taping her and she was talking about remaining a little girl forever and how she would not let puberty happen to her. It is fun to remind her of what she said and to bring out the old video, sure gives us many laughs as well. She was quite adamant about it also. Kids are wonderful and they say the cutest things. Now that’s love that L wants to remain living with her parents forever. She will definitely crack up years from now when you remind her of what she said. These are the best years, Enjoy!
My son is 11 and already has names picked out for the kids he is going to have.