My precious L is an intense negotiator. She will get her heart set on something in particular and negotiation will go on for days with her Dad and I.

For the past month, L has begged and pleaded with us to allow a hamster or guinea pig in the house as her new pet. We have listed all the reasons why this would not be a good pet, but that does not stop her negotiating skills. She will be a great salesperson one day, I believe.
Finally, this weekend she realized this new pet was not coming into the house. She set her heart on a new puppy joining the family. I am actually open to this idea, but my husband is not so keen on the idea at all. L realized this and went into the bedroom and had an one-on-one intense conversation on why our family should have a second dog. Her dad gently told her, it would not happen at this time. L looked at her dad and said:
“I see where I stand with you on this then.”
My husband could not believe she said that particular statement. She is definitely wise beyond her years. He has told the story to everyone it seems over the past couple of days.
The statement went right along with our shopping trip last Friday night. I could not locate the bottle water in the store. L, without skipping a beat, took me right to the water. She slapped her hands together and said:
“My job here is now done.”
There is never a dull moment around the house with our precious L. She lights up our world and as sad as I am to see her grow up, it is so enjoyable to see her mature into a young lady.

She is too funny. Just love her.