I thought since it is the new year, it would be good to put a new fresh face on the blog!
I am feeling so much better and putting a new effort into making 2008 a wonderful and great year. As you can see from the pictures up above on the new face of the blog, we got to bring in the New Year with some cold weather and SNOW! I sure have missed the snow and Madisyn was soooo happy playing in it.
My girls are what life is about and they make me think more and more each and every day. With being up in NC for the New Year, it got me to thinking about a lot of things in my life and how I want to do much better as being a mother to my girls and teaching them about healthy lifestyles.
We went organic last year and I want to continue that tradition with my girls this year and help them make choices of what foods and drinks we are putting into our bodies. I know if I instill this into them now, that when they grow older and have kids it will come natural to them. Unlike when I was growing up, we had a lot of freezer meals and lord help me we all know what junk is in those ;). So that is one of my goals for the new year.
The second goal for the year is to move back to NC. Yes, I thought we were making a life changing decision that was going to be the best for our family by coming to Florida. I just knew this would be much better financially and mentally. Boy have I been shed the light. Now don't get me wrong, I love being close to the beach and near so many things, BUT that is not what life is all about. We have since found out that family has a whole lot to do with life. My girls and Scott and I have all missed our family back in NC and can't wait to get back to be with them. Also while in NC, we learned we would be regaining custody of my step-daughter. This happened so quick on the day we were leaving NC, that we had to drive back and stay another night to figure things out. So our move that was going to happen this summer back to NC is actually happening in the next month. I'm praying and hoping everything will go smoothly, but I know we are all going to be happy about all being back together in NC.
The third goal for this mom is going back to school to finish her degree that she started years ago. It's always been my grandmother's dream to see me graduate college and she let me know that again while we were in NC this past week. It is something that has been weighing heavy on my mind for the last six months and I know without a shadow of doubt that it is meant for me to do it. I have about a year and half to finish and I will be doing online and night classes till I get to graduate. Also, it always scares me what if I am left alone with the girls or God forbid something happen to Scott. I want to know that INDEED I have the power to get a job that will support all of us. Also, I want to see that smile on my grandmother's face when I walk across that stage to receive my diploma!
My fourth goal is for us to find a church home. I have struggled and struggled with this since my first daughter was born. We have always been openly about God here at home and Madisyn is such a sponge with all the information. Also I know how much I enjoyed church as a little girl and I indeed want my girls to experience that as well. The girls know we are believers in Christ but now I want to share that with a church family. So when we get back to NC, we will begin searching for a new church home that we all will enjoy.
My fifth and final goal is to continue to grow my business here at home, but not to let me stress about it anymore. The stressors with my business, I am removing them so I will not get the burnt out feeling and I am going to bring a couple people on board to help me with my business. I have did this alone long enough now and now it is time to share my knowledge with my assistants and also grow my businesses at the same time!
This will be a great year. 2007 was dealt with a lot of emotions mentally and physically, but that is in the past now. We can either wept and pity ourselves with the past, or learn from the past and put new guidelines into place. For 2008, I am going to do the latter part!
HAPPY NEW YEAR fellow Mom Bloggers. This is going to be one heck a ride ๐

Welcome back! And congrats on all the decisions. I can “hear” it in your voice that this is a great decision. And you know what? The move to Florida was NOT a mistake. You needed it for whatever reason at the time, and that time has passed and you can go back. It all happens for a reason. ๐ Here’s to a great new year for you!
Wow you’re going home in a month??? Whoo hoo !!!
Love your new blog look! Congrats on moving back home. Hope it isn’t too hectic for you.
I also admire your clear focus of what you want to accomplish this year. Way to go!
Oh Jen, I am so happy for you all. I know how much you miss home. Yes, you don’t really know how important family is until you move away from them.
You are so clear and so focused on your goals for 2008 I know you will succeed. If I can help you reach your goals in any way please let me know.
You can do it! (I’m going back to school too.. but distance learning….)
Man, you don’t mess around sista! Moving back that fast. I will pray that things work out and go smoothly.
Good for you going back to church. It’s so terribly important for everyone to attend church and I feel it’s most important for little kids to start. It starts them out in life right and starts that bond and desire to grow in the Lord. Good for you!
I know you’ve been wanting to get your degree and also work less in your business…I full support you in these areas (all of them posted, of course) and am here if you need to bounce ideas or need support.
So happy to read an excited and uplifted post from you Jen!
Wow Jen..thats a lot of great stuff and I am sure you can do it. Now we MUST meet before you leave…like ASAP!!
Hey girl.
I’m so happy that you are putting these steps into action to eliminate all of the things that were bring you down.
Very very proud of you, Jen.
Wow talk about a whirlwind of events! My head is spinning just from reading your post but I can definitely hear the happiness and excitedness in your voice! Congrats on all the decisions and goals.
Here’s to a wonderful New Year!
Your plans sounds great. Good luck with the move. We were considering moving to NC or SC in the next year or so. I’m not sure I want to leave home though.
Congrats on the move home! We moved here to be closer to family too, and even with all of the financial difficulties it brought us, I still don’t regret it for a second.
Good luck with all of your goals – they are important ones and I hope that you can achieve them all this year. ๐
I truly wish you the best with everything. The move sounds just perfectly right for you. And graduating . . . what a proud moment that is . . . I know you’ll do it all . . . keep us up-to-date. Btw, glad to be “back”! I’ve missed you!
I think you’re definitely on the right track by setting yourself some goals. Good luck in 2008 and hope you attain them all!
Oh Jen I’m so happy for you and way to go on your focus and goals for ’08! ((HUGS))
Awesome goals you have there. Wishing you all the best for 2008 – May you achieve all your goals this year and may your dreams become a reality. PS – I just tagged you for “7 Random Weird Things About Me” Meme.
Your in my prayers that everything with your step daughter will work out, that’s all I can say – your in my prayers!