Can you believe what the title is to this post? Yes if your mouth fell open believe me, mine did as well.
It was late last night and I was in here in my office right beside the girls bedroom working. My two year old was asleep but my 4 year old took a long nap that day so she was still up with me. She came in here in the office and said mommy I need to show you something. I was like uh oh my.. what has she done? hehe.
I walked in her room and she said mommy I cleaned my room all by myself. I was in awe and she did such a great job too. The floor was spotless.
Now why does this blow my mind so much? Well for one thing, I didn’t even tell her to clean her room. I am the one that ususally cleans it and she will help me. That’s my girl.
What age did you have your children start cleaning their rooms? We have been having a chore chart with her since she was three, but its just small tasks. I never thought of having her clean her whole room as a chore chart. I’m impressed.

That’s so cute! Mine do things like that too. They really enjoy cleaning if they’re in the mood. Funny, I think adults are the same way… if we’re in the mood to do it, we’ll clean like crazy.