As most of you know, we are homeschooling the girls this year. It is going so well. One of the best parts is including our faith with their studies.
My heart is filled with so much joy when I see the girls writing and talking about their love for our Lord. I walked in from work and my husband handed me a piece of paper. He says three words, “prepare to cry.” He assured me it would be happy tears. My hand took the paper and my eyes read each word on the paper very carefully. The tears flowed.
My heart. Oh how I love her! Sissy has always been a great writer. She writes from her heart. Of course, the writing included animals, her precious animals. “…everyone is different in our own way.” Powerful.
Homeschooling was one of the best things we could have done for our precious L. No more timed tests, no more feeling shamed because she couldn’t finish an assignment as fast as others, and freedom to learn how she wants to learn. Freedom to learn about our wonderful Lord!
God is good!

Homeschooling really is a blessing isn’t it? I feel that way too Jen. And yes, L everyone is different and it is wonderful. 🙂