I am so hooked to Sunrider now. I am happy to announce I am down 7 lbs in my weightloss. This is just the beginning . Only 43lbs to go now. I am drinking the 3 quarts of water with the Fortune Delight in it 🙂 and having the Nuplus mixed in with my foods each day. I am waiting on my Beauty Pearl and I know my mental health will be so much better. I’ll keep you posted on that ;).
Here is to more weightloss this week. I’ll check back in next Sunday (Superbowl Sunday) for my next report. Jen will be eating her celery while the guys are munching on Super Bowl Snack Foods ;).

Great news Jen. I’m so happy it’s working for you!
Any updates?
Congrats on the 7 pound loss – that’s excellent! Best of success in losing the rest, I always say. 😀
Will have to check those products out so thanks for the heads up.
Awesome progress – every pound is a victory so you have seven!!!
Jj’s last blog post..Recall: Whole Foods Carob Energee Nuggets & Peanut Butter Update