Where does the time go? How can my baby girl be 8 years old?

I look at this picture. As I sat in the hospital bed after I had L, and just loving being a mom of two beautiful daughters… I never realized what our life would be 8 years in the future. Blessings are surrounding me each and every day by being a mom of M and L. We have celebrated all weekend long for this special 8th birthday. Today is the final cake… literally. She has a minnie mouse cookie cake she is taking to school and we have cheesecake for her birthday dessert at home. Also, she will be able to open up her gifts from mommy and daddy and her sweet gift from big sister M.
L amazes us every single day. We never know what she is going to say or do. She is the clown of the family. Just tonight she asked me about driver’s ed. She doesn’t want to take driver’s ed all week long. Only one day. I said do we really have to talk about this now. You are 8 not 15!
L still loves to cuddle with mommy. We still co-sleep and yes she does still play with my hair to go to sleep. She started this before she was a year-old and still loves to play with my hair when she is tired. She is small and petite for her age. This still allows mommy to still carry her. She will call for me when she wakes up to come carry her out of bed. I know this will not happen much longer so I am enjoying these last few months of her still being able to fit in my arms. L is still a huge animal lover. We had her party at a farm on Saturday and she was all smiles all day long. It really warms my heart at her love for animals. L requested Little Pet Shop toys for her birthday again this year. She will sit and play for hours with her all her Little Pet Shop collections. I hope she will play with them for many years to come. I love seeing her use her imagination with all the toys. Speaking of imagination, she is very artsy and creative. She loves to create dances, sing songs with a very loud voice, and draw. Her drawings are very detailed. She is well on her way of being a fashion designer. L still loves to wear frilly clothes, dresses and only blue jeans maybe one day a week. She is very picky with her clothes and they have to be certain colors and certain designs so she does her clothes shopping ;). Mommy just purchases the clothes. HA!
I am so proud of the young girl L has become over the last 8 years. My life would not have been complete without L in it. I am blessed beyond measure for God choosing me to be L’s mommy. Her hugs and special words on any given day can make me smile so big. I love you L. Happy Birthday sweet princess. Now can you stop growing up so fast? 🙂