Obviously, as you know with my faith, I will say to have God in your family…. but that is not all. You see, my husband and I have been together 11 years now. There is one thing that keeps us close. Check out our text messages the other day.
Me: Hey honey, I am so sorry about being short last night. Just all the stress lately.
Him: Don’t worry about it babe. I have been short all my life. Love you!

He knows how to make me smile. Why yes.. I am about a 1/2 inch taller than my husband and he loves to tell me even in text messages. Humor is what gets us through so many stressful days. If we laugh about it, then we are not worrying or crying. It just works for us. There are times when you do not have to take everything serious. Let your hair down so to speak and make lemonade out of lemons. My husband knows when I am stressed or down and out… to break the ice. Make a joke or turn a negative situation into something funny. In return, if he is stressed out from work.. I will blurt out a goofy song, say a corny joke and we all just laugh together.
I am so thankful God sent me a humorous husband. He completes me and I look forward to him making me laugh. I’m pretty sure, my husband looks forward to me making him laugh. Even though, I have a lot of book smarts… common sense is not always there. For instance, I wanted to know how to get this spot out of the shower. My husband says, oh just a little elbow grease. I said… oh where would I get that at? Yes, my friends I thought you could buy elbow grease. He has not let me live that down since.
Laughter will get you through so much!