One thing this summer has shown me is my oldest daughter M is growing into a young lady. She is rapidly getting taller and I know it will not be much longer till I am looking up to her. How can your daughter look up to you each and everyday and then the view changes in the blink of an eye?
As you know, I am an ambassador for U by Kotex Tween. The site is really helping me have conversations with my daughter. I am taking it very slow and using language that will not scare or intimidate her. I remind her daily about putting deodorant on and it helps open doors to conversation. Take moments like this where it is just you and your daughter, to have your own conversations. Get on her level and describe to her how the body changes as you grow. This helps avoid awkward moments and where your tween just checks out of the conversation immediately. Let her ask you questions and be sure to let her know that she can come to you at anytime with questions.
Do not go into really involved and in depth conversations. The last thing you want to do is overwhelm your daughter. My daughter had questions about using tampons and I realized the look on her face was a very worried look. I led the conversation in a different direction. Use their facial cues and change your conversation based on what you know your daughter can understand at that moment in time. Build up to the harder topics over time. Ensure that you will always be there for her and that you went through the same exact changes as well. Remain calm, encouraging, caring and supportive. You want your daughter to be able to come to you any minute or hour of the day.
I was embarrassed to talk to my mom about these types of things. It was always awkward and so hard to bring up the topic for conversation. I am rectifying that situation early-on with my girls. My girls are my world and I want them to be able to come to me with anything and especially as they enter this new stage of childhood.
U by Kotex Tween will continue to be a resource for my daughters and I. We will continue to wade through these waters as softly and slow as we can. This does not have to be scary. I just wish I could slow down time. Can’t we just go back to where they just started crawling?
I hope I am able to help other mothers who are entering this stage.
“I wrote this review while participating in a Brand Ambassador Campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of U by Kotex Tween and received products to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”