My favorite time of year is officially here tomorrow. I just love the Fall season. It warms my heart in so many ways. One thing I do miss about the Summer season, is not being able to enjoy a good family cook-out. As I thought more about this, I began to say to myself: “Who said there was a law about no cook-outs in the Fall and Winter?
The next day, an email popped up from Veggie Patch Products. I read the email twice before I thought I would reply. Their products are all meatless products. I am not a huge fan of red meat, so I thought this could be products that I like but what about the rest of the family?
I was up for the challenge. We invited family over and served up several different Veggie Patch Products.
We started out with meatballs as an appetizer until the rest of the food was ready.
My youngest L did not like the taste, but it did not surprise us. She is more of a chicken girl. The rest of the family loved the taste. The texture was a little different but once we cooked the meatballs in the tomato sauce recipe, they were all eat up within minutes.
We were ready for the main meal.
L’s favorite was served first. Chick’Cutlet
The taste reminded you of a breaded chicken sandwich. It was a winner and L actually had leftovers for her school lunch the next day.
All the grown-ups enjoyed a Meatless Burger and a Meatless Hotdog.
My husband, the world’s pickiest eater, enjoyed the burger and hotdog so much. He went back for seconds so I know he was a huge fan. He even commented how much he enjoyed the taste and loved there were no grease coming out of the burger. We did add cheese to the burgers.
Of course, we had to top the night off with a glass of wine. Entertaining family at a cook-out and adding a little glass of wine was the big winner of the night.
The wine was from Rhone Valley. All under $20 a bottle. I know people can snub their nose at a cheap wine, but this was a very enjoyable taste and was a great entertaining wine to all the guests.
So who said you could not cook-out in the Fall and Winter? We just proved that theory wrong. A big thanks to Veggie Patch and Rhone Valley for helping with the entertainment.
Disclosure: I was provided products in order to serve up an evening of fun with guests. All thoughts and opinions are of my own.