I don’t know how families did it without technology years ago when they lived miles apart. My heart was so full on our recent road trip because we were able to see family that we don’t get to see very often. One of those family members was our precious grandbaby A. She is so full of an outgoing personality. Immediately when we walked into her school, she greeted us with an ear to ear smile and reached her arms out to us. My cup spilleth over with joy.
We knew she had grown since we are able to connect on Facebook, Instagram and Facetime but still seeing her in person brought tears to my eyes. How did people go months at a time without seeing any pictures or video? I know my heart couldn’t handle it.
As soon as we picked up A and R from their schools, we made our way to Starbucks. Of course, right?! Baby A was loving her Poppy’s Mocha Cookie Frapp.
It was time for her bottle but her eyes were only zooming in on the Frapp. No time for the bottle. Our visit was too short and we are counting down the days until we get to be with her for her 1st birthday soon. As we drove away after our visit, it made me so thankful for technology. No matter how busy we get, we need to make more time for family over technology. Essentially, it can help shorten the distance between NC and Florida.
My goal is to at least Facetime two times a month and we share pictures back and forth a few times a week. Milestones can be shared over technology and it is the second best thing than seeing it in person. Baby A was standing all alone, crawling all over and dancing with cute moves when she would hear music. Soon, we will see her walking and running down her sidewalk. Oh time please slow down.
Until we see this cute and adorable smile again…
Thank you Technology!

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