My oldest daughter M, is in the midst of end-of-grade testing. I wish so hard that we could actually do away with this testing. It is evil and I don’t think the kids should have to be judged on one test for the school year. I am helping proctor at the school. To be honest, it is very boring but it is the least I can do with what the kids have to go through with the testing.
This cute little treat was given to all of us that volunteered.
The little note attached can be changed to your own wording such as “Thank you for being my teacher. It “mint” a lot to me!”

The EOGs put far too much pressure on the students, the teachers and the principal. It’s maddening as a parent, because they talk about it constantly from the beginning of the school year to the end of the EOGs. When I was in school I remember taking the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills and it wasn’t a big deal. We were notified the week before that there would be testing and that was it.
My son does not test well, especially with long tests. He gets bored and tries to rush through the test so he can think about something else. In third grade, he was reading at a 6th grade level and didn’t score high enough on the EOGs so he had to take them again. Both his teacher and I were astonished and his teacher said “this shows more about the test itself than it does your son”. I can’t imagine what some of the kids go through agonizing over the tests for weeks before they actually take them because the entire school is focused on nothing but the testing.
Thank you for volunteering. Our school was begging for volunteers but I don’t have a car right now and couldn’t arrange transportation.