As everyone that knows me by now, I am a huge Electronics fan. I live and breathe technology so much. As much as I would love to be at the Consumer Electronics Show out in Las Vegas this year, I just cannot. This is where Kodak comes in to play, thank goodness!
This year, Kodak wants you to be a part of CES from your home computer. We all can participate and see all the action at the show by watching live streaming panels direct from the Kodak K-Zone on the CES Floor. You can also join the discussion by submitting questions to the panelists via Twitter and using the hashtag #kzone.
Here are the panels:
The New CMO: Chief Memory Officer (Thursday, January 7, at 11:00 a.m. PST)
A look at today’s CMO’s and how they create, share and relive moments in their lives.
Speakers include: Tina Sharkey (Chairman and Global President, Baby Center), Jill Zarin (The Real Housewives of NYC), and Jen Drexler (Director of Brand Insights, Just Ask A Woman)
It’s All About KISS (Thursday, January 7 at 12:00 p.m. PST)
And we’re not talking about the rock band. Hear from leading women in technology about why simpler is better in today’s fast-paced world.
Speakers include: Linda Tischler (Senior Writer, FastCompany), Tina Sharkey (Chairman and Global President, Baby Center), Pam Sherman (author and public speaker known as The Suburban Outlaw), and Jen Drexler (Director of Brand Insights, Just Ask a Woman)
The M-Suite (Friday, January 8 at 3:00 p.m. PST)
How momtreprenuers and stay at home moms are building successful businesses.
Speakers include: Amanda Robinson (, Sharon Napier (founder, Partners & Napier), Susan Tousi (Kodak), Soleil Moon Frye (actress), and Stacie Haight Connerty (blogger,
Help, My Mom Friended Me on Facebook (Friday, January 8 at 11:00 a.m. PST)
Kids eight and under will never know what life was like before Google. Learn how technology is changing their lives – and their parent’s lives in the process.
Speakers include: Pam Sherman (author and public speaker known as The Suburban Outlaw), Susan Getgood (, Jill Zarin (the Real Housewives of NYC), Linda Sawyer (CEO of Deutch), Christy Matte (editor of the Family Computing Guide,
Father Knows Best (Friday, January 8 at 5:00 p.m. PST)
It’s time to hear from the dads! Hear from these tech savvy dads on how they use technology with their kids, and the lessons learned.
Speakers include: Michael Ferrara (TechnoDad), Jeff Hayzlett (CMO, Kodak), Fred Fishkin (technology reporter, Bloomberg Radio), Jackson Lynch (WIRED)
To view the live streaming and recorded videos, or more information, visit
Also for all my readers that would love to tune in, I get to giveaway courtesty of Kodak – KODAK D830 Digital Frame.
Just leave a comment below telling me which panel you would like to catch and you will be entered. Simple as that. Tweet and Facebook this post for extra entries!! Leave an extra comment for each entry you do.
Let the Electronics Show begin!

I would love to catch the m-suite forum, since I’m now a stay at home mom.
I tweeted @sailorsprincess
updated my FB status too sailorsprincess07
I would like to see the The M-Suite
I’m going to watch the M-Suite
The M-Suite is interesting…really they all are, but you said one! 🙂
You know that you could to detect the professional research related to write my custom paper and even about this good post from the distinguished essay writing service. Hence, you have a chance to test that.
I missed the live cast, but was able to watch the reruns
I watched “Is this thing on?”
found it interesting that the frame has its own email and you can email and download directly onto it. Such a huge help to my parents that don’t understand, nor do they want to, how to download photo’s onto a photo frame.
shared on facebook
shared on twitter
I, too, would like to catch the M-suit. :–)
I missed the live show, but I did watch the M-Suite on the Kodak website. One of the things I was interested in the answer was when they get things done. I have been amazed how blog moms can run a blog and do all the other Mommy things. It was interesting to hear their answers! Some do it during the day, some do it in the middle of the night!
Thank you for the great link!
girlygirlugh at gmail dot com
I tweeted!
girlygirlugh at gmail dot com
I have already watched all videos from Kodaktube (Kodak’s Channel on Youtube), and they are really good!
My favorite one was Help, My Mom Friended Me on Facebook.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I shared on Facebook:
And tweeted:
I’ve watched all the videos from Kodaktube (Kodak film on Youtube), and they are really good!
I found it interesting that the frame has its own email and you can email and download directly onto it. Such a huge help to my parents that don’t understand,
I would like to see the The M-Suite
I am curious to see how it looks