Device continuously in my hand at all times. This constitutes a problem but only my eyes recognized the problem over the last week. My job is gone. The wool was really pulled over my eyes with my previous job. Since my job revolved around social media, I would use that as my excuse to always stay connected to technology at all times.
Who cares the house needs a deep cleaning? Who cares that there is world happening around me? Who cares that a good book was just released? Who cares that I was pushing my bible devotions further away? Who cares that I would stay tuned to my phone during a movie my girls really wanted me to watch? Who cares that a fun television show was on?
Enough is enough. I decided last Friday, that I was tired of social media over-ruling my life. It was time to make a big decision and start calling all the shots in my social media world. I am officially stepping away from my personal Facebook page. I will use Facebook for my business and blog and that is IT. The second step was completed today by uninstalling the Facebook app on my phone. Do you realize how much time I would spend scrolling through the news feed? It is quite embarrassing and I do hang my head in shame. It was like an addiction. Last Friday night, I started overcoming my addiction by completing first step: stop posting to my personal page.
I am enjoying keeping the house clean on a daily basis. In the last two days, I have watched three entire movies with the girls without any technology being in sight. It is an amazing feeling. This is what being a parent really means. I am getting back to the basics. Watching my girls more closely, and letting them know that they are more important than a technology device. Mommy really does care about that special drawing or the creative dance they are performing. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders for some reason. I feel lighter.
During this time, I also want to really get closer to God through his word. Each morning, as soon as I woke up, I would check my Facebook. Social Media was more important than God. This is just wrong. How do I expect to grow in my faith and help lead my girls in their faith when I keep putting things before God? God is working through me and I had to let the guard down. I am ready to see what he is going to do with my life and my family. I vow to read more devotions daily and really understand the word of God more.
There will be a few social media outlets that I will still partake in, instagram, pinterest and twitter. I am (onemomsworld) on all channels. Obviously, I will continue to blog as well as this is my creative outlet. I love to write.
Think about it. Is social media over-ruling your life?

Wow Jen. I just wrote about this very thing. How technology had taken priority in our kids lives and we had to put a stop to it. If you get a sec go read my latest post. I know it will hit home with you as yours just did with me.
Going to go read now!
I will seriously miss you so much on FB but I do understand.
Thank you friend!
I do miss you on FB, but I can definitely understand. I’ve quit Facebook before. Kinda have to have it now, but I have the same problem with it sometimes. It honestly is maddening to realize how much time social media can take away from you if you’re not careful. I have some rules (one of which I’m breaking right now, but I have an excuse ๐ ). I shut the computer before breakfast and don’t open it again until naptime, off again for dinner and until bedtime. Phone is only for talking and texting between those times, too. That’s on a normal day. Strange how an unusual circumstance–like today with Jesse sick–sends those rules right out the window. Gotta work on that….
Anyhow, thanks for encouraging me to follow your example!
I will not quit Facebook as I need to use it for my blog page and a couple other pages I manage. I just am going to stay away from my personal page. I just hate how much time it consumes me and here lately stresses me out. It’s good to just walk away! ๐ My husband couldn’t believe I could do it… I did it!
I really hope Jesse can start feeling better very soon. Love you friend!
Hi Jen,
I do applaud you in your social media decisions. I do not personally use Facebook or any other social media, just something I was not interested in. With out being involved my self I can see the effects it has on many people and can see how it can rob some one of the more important things in life of which you described. I use to have a cell phone but when my husband was laid off from his job and we had to cut back financially that was the first to go. I thought I would miss my phone but surprisingly enough I do not. I will say I miss playing Words with Friends ha, ha but that too I have learned to live with out. It would surprise people to learn that we can live with out technology and social media and be just fine. As always you are a roll model and an inspiration to many. Just please don’t ever stop blogging, would miss you too much ๐
Thank you so much for your wonderful words, Sharon. I will not stop blogging. No way ๐
I am so proud of you Jen, for taking a stand. You are an inspiration. You make me stop and think too. I need to focus more on God as well. The time spent in the mornings when I get up, I could be on my knees praying or reading my bible. Great post!
Hey Sweet Jenn,
I can relate to all your saying and how encouraging and challenging it is to move forward with your convictions. I have done the same thing as of recently with facebook and i can tell you, is it not SO freeing not to know what is going on with everyones life?! sometimes it is just info overload when as moms and wives we have enough going on! heres to putting Jesus firstt, he is SO worthy!!!!
Love you Jenn!