Did you vote yet? We did the early voting experience here in NC, so we wouldn’t have to wait in line. Hubbs went and voted for the first time in his life and my parents voted for the first time in about 20 years. I will be saying my prayers on this nice election eve that God will have his hands in this election and may he pick the one that he would like to guide us in this country!
The girls were sooooo excited to get to experience their first voting polls. Once we stepped out of our little area, I just had to snap a pict. Our stickers say “I voted”! I think its important to get your children involved and explain to them why you are voting and why did you pick your particular candidate which by the way was McCain for us :).
GO VOTE. Make your voice be heard!!!! I will be glued to the TV all day tomorrow that’s for sure.

Great photos.Thanks for sharing.
that is just adorable~
Renee’s last blog post..Massage are great!!!! and time change
This is going to be such an interesting night isn’t it?
casual friday everyday’s last blog post..Rain Down On Me
That’s wonderful that you let the girls experience this important and many times overlooked part of being an American! 🙂
My kids usually go with us too, but yesterday it was raining so hubby and I took turns while the other waited in the van with the kiddos.
Arika’s last blog post..Coming out Blended
Good for you! We mailed in our ballots about 2 weeks ago! 🙂
Good for you and involving your girls is a great thing to do. I was sick from work that day but did manage to get out and vote. I was so glad only 2 people were in line.
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