This was truly the best weekend ever. We were surrounded in love with our family and enjoyed celebrating a big event. L and I will be releasing an update on our YouTube channel on Tuesday to tell you the big news. We hope you are subscribed to our channel so you will get the notification when the video goes live. God is so good and we are giving Him the glory for this great news!

Hi Jen and L,
Just watched your video. What an informative video. I am so happy for you L. You are such a remarkable young lady and I must say I love your signature look as no one can wear a hat like you do 🙂
Your mom is right how do you do it. There are not many young people let alone older people who could handle your situation. You are very impressive. My hope for you is you continue to be able to introduce other foods that agree with you. My other hope is a cure will be found.
Hooray definitely a cause for celebration. I have been reading your mom’s vlogs for years now seeing you grow up. You are a smart beautiful young lady and I would believe a role model to other young people going through similar situations.
Jen your beautiful smile says it all for the happiness you feel for your daughter. So glad I came across your blog so many years ago. Your blog brings about joy, information and allows your viewers an insight into your lovely family.
I am rooting for you L you will beat this a girl with your determination I have much faith. Love you guys, All my love Sharon