I logged on Facebook this evening and immediately had this status pop up in my newsfeed:
One day it will all come together and everything will make sense. You will see God’s amazing plan taking you places you’ve never dreamed of. – Joel Osteen
This morning, I woke up and after going to bed last night discouraged, knew I needed to uplift myself in prayer. Each week since January 1, I feel like it has been dreadful news that keeps piling up. Usually, I am pretty good under pressure but this last week has kicked me down. L was diagnosed with the flu, we are not sure which strain, and then just a few short days later, I was diagnosed with the flu. I have never been that sick in my life. I do have to say, I am very thankful for Tamiflu. If you ever get the flu. I highly recommend getting the Tamiflu within the first 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. It helped shorten both L and my flu symptoms. By Saturday evening, I was back in the land of the living. Thank goodness.
During last week, we had also moved to our smaller home. I will not lie or try to cover up, it was the hardest move we have ever experienced. How did we accumulate so much stuff? There was no way we could have fully prepared for this move. Downsizing from a 2500 sq. ft. house to a 1100 sq. ft house has been pretty challenging. Both girls have actually done pretty awesome with the move and are just rolling with the punches. It is Hubby and I that are having such a difficult time. Once we are able to get through all this stuff and make it our home, things will be better. For now, I have to thank God for helping us put this roof over our heads and a warm place to sleep every night even if it is us sleeping on the floor for now. God will never forsaken us and even though he will bring us through trials, I have to go back to the above status. All of this is not making sense to me right now, but it will all come together and we will be looking out over this amazing direction that God is taking our family.
For now, I need to continue to be patient and quit trying to rush things. It doesn’t matter if I have not heard back from all the job applications I have submitted, it doesn’t matter that I have missed SO many college days here in my last full-semester due to sickness and hospital stays, it doesn’t matter that things keep happening to squash my dreams.. all that matters is that I stay positive and faithful to remember this is all in God’s timing – not Jen’s timing.
Be still my heart!

hugs and prayers. life can be so rough sometimes! God has you baby girl.
Thank you so much friend!!!
This verse helps me stay encouraged. Psalm27:14 Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. We have put our house on the market again and hopefully we will all be under one roof soon.
Thank you for posting that verse. I will put you in my prayers that your house can sell this time. You all need this so much! ((HUGS))
Hang in there, Jennifer! You know, there are a lot of great things about living in a smaller house–especially as you get older and your bladder gets weaker. It’s not quite so far to run to the bathroom in a small house. 😉
Hi Jen,
So sorry to hear you and the family are going through a rough time. It is hard to weather the storm and bounce back. After my husband was laid off for months and even though thank god he is back to work I know how long it takes to get back on track as we are still struggling to do so. Only thing that gets you through is family. As my wise mother always told me ” This too shall pass ”
Your new home will be filled with the love you brought with you from your old home. Only now it will be over flowed with love filling up the new space and giving you the strength to carry on. You are a remarkable woman, so kind, caring and full of love and determination that I just know you will land on your feet. Your family will flourish and the new memories you make in your new home will be ones you will look back fondly on . This time of struggle will be a distant memory. I know at times it is not easy as going through hard times my self there are days you will be sad. Just know the friends you have made through here care and wish you the best. I will be rooting for you 🙂