It has been an interesting few days around here of trying decide about our move back to NC. I was hoping the move wouldn’t be this fast as we had plans for May, but it is what it is… and we can always make new plans.
This is the last few months before my daughter starts kindy in August, and I am going to make it special for her so she will have memories of a lifetime. I cannot believe she has grown so fast. She definitely has my heart wrapped around her heart. It warms my heart as well to see her micmic me. She loves to put make-up on as I do, and yesterday she wanted me to straighten her hair like I do mine. Just take a look at my beautiful daughter. This is definitely what I dreamed of being a mom and is what life is all about with my daughter’s.
Last night while I was doing some work for clients here in my office, she surprised me once again with the love she has for her sister with this drawing. Is it not the cutest? I will hold onto this image forever.
Just to show you what kind of heart Madisyn has for her sister Lyndsee… yesterday we were out running errands and the humidity and heat was some kind of crazy down here in Florida yesterday. We were getting out of the van and Madisyn saw Lyndsee having problems breathing and she was sweating. While I was tending to Lyndsee, Madisyn immediately ran into the house, grabbed a washcloth, wet it and ran to Lyndsee to put it on her forehead and head. I have never told her to do this, and I just starting getting tears in my eyes when I seen what Madisyn had done.
This is what life is all about and it tells me I must be doing something right as a mom :).
While I have your attention as well…I have been reading Amy’s blog for just a bit, but it is definitely one of my fun daily reads. She also is a NC gal too 🙂 Pretty cool huh? Anyways she presented me with an award this week and it just made my day and put a huge smile across my face. It is the “I Love Your Blog To Pieces”
Thank you for the honor Amy and I’m so glad I have you as a reader here. Now I would like to present this award to four more people who I enjoy their blog very much so and so glad to have you a part of my daily reads.
My bestest bud who I love and adore so much – Casual Friday Everyday
I love her humor and wittiness in her posts – We Are That Family
These two sisters share something that I always wanted in a sister and I love how they look out for the mom community with their generousity. – 5 Minutes for Mom
I love to read about how life is in Hawaii and see her beautiful posts of the land there and also her spunk in her posts. – Island Life

You are so sweet! Thanks! BTW~LOVE your Mommy picture!
AWWW – you are just toooo kind!!!! THANKS!!!!
Such a sweet shot of your little girl. 🙂
Janice (5 Minutes for Mom)’s last blog post..Your Picture is Worth a Thousand Dollars!
Madi girl…awww, what a sweet little thing. You and I are so blessed. Enjoy these last few months with her being home. And thanks so much for the awesome award!
nell@casualfridayeveryday’s last blog post..My Body Isn’t My Own
What a beautiful picture she drew – definitely one to cherish forever! 🙂
Thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it!
It’s a great idea to take a picture of the chalkboard. That way you’ll have it forever.
kailani’s last blog post..Giveaway: Subscription to The Old Schoolhouse Magazine
Very cute drawing….I love drawing of the kid’s very much….She is very cute and good looking…We come to know what the life is when we see the kids…It ‘s the real happiness and teaches what is life and what it is for.It will be forever in our heart and cannot be forgettable…Thanks for the information!!!!!