Yesterday was a new milestone in Madi girl’s life. She went on her first elementary school field trip. Of course you know this worry wart mother had to tag along and make sure everything went as smoothly as it could.
We did have a blast….. but when we got back to school and the teachers told the parents (that were there from the field trip) we could go ahead and take our children home a hour and half early. I got quite the attitude from my Madi girl. Look at these expressions she gave because she wanted to stay at school ;).
We can only hope she will have this attitude towards school in the many years to come! Lyndsee was just all smiles that she got to hang with her big sister for the day :).
Crafty Mom says
We always worry about our little ones in school. Will she love it… and what if she doesn’t. It’s heart breaking. Thanks for opening the topic.
casual friday everyday says
I don’t know how I missed this one. Great photos. Nick still hasn’t gone on a trip yet. I feel he is just simply too young. I would go but with all the problem with this pregnancy and a 2 year old it just wouldn’t work out right now so he isn’t going on any trips this year. Madi is adorable with those expressions.
casual friday everyday’s last blog post..Baby Got Front