I have been sooo busy weaning Lyndsee and potty training Madisyn that I have neglected our blog. Jen’s back in force now.
We had a great week this week, playing baby dolls and going to the park. The girls are just so darn cute with each other. Madisyn hugged Lyndsee tonight and said I Love You Sissy. It just melts my heart. I am so glad they are close.
Well Madisyn decided to become an early beautician the other night LOL. She found the scissors and went into her bedroom and cut all her hair off. It is pretty short. I just thank God she didn’t get hurt otherwise. They are definitely put up in a safe place now. I “fixed” her wonderful haircut job and put it into a cute bob. She looks so grown up now.
Lyndsee is wowing us each day with how good she is talking. Madisyn was a late talker so this is all a shock to us. BUT, Madisyn talks all the time now so Lyndsee has a good teacher 😉 hehe.
Well better run and get Madisyn to bed just wanted to update everyone on our girls 🙂

Oh Jen,
Why is it little girls always do that. I’m dreading when Lyssa decides she wants her first haircut.
LOL or her big brother decides she needs one. Glad you are having such a wonderful time raising your girls. As a mom of two little ones too although they are a bit bigger than yours I know how you treasure every minute with them as I do mine. 🙂