You lose your fruit bowl that you fixed yourself!
Let’s set this whole scenario up. I cut up some grapefruit into a bowl for part of my lunch with my salad. I proceed to sit down and eat the grapefruit and then the phone rings. I go to answer the phone and evidently bring the bowl with me.
After my phone conversation, I go to looking for my fruit bowl. It has disappeared. I am looking all over the kitchen and dining room for the said bowl. Thinking all the while to myself, that how on earth could I misplace a fruit bowl within 10 minutes.
Then that lightbulb moment goes off… the said bowl is in the dish drainer because while I was talking on the phone, I washed the bowl.
Oh my goodness….let’s just chalk it up to mommy brain ;). Anyone else have mommy brain stories to share at your own risk hehe.

OMG! This had me cracking up… I love this. Such a glimpse into the life of MOM!! Thanks for the laugh!! You are SO right on with this post!
ROFL! Okay, this just happened to me a couple of nights ago. I was about to go to bed when I realized that my hair was still wet from taking a shower earlier in the evening. At first I didn’t think anything of it but then realized that I didn’t rinse out the conditioner from my hair! LOL!
kailani’s last blog post..Coming Out of the Closet
Oh I’ve done many things like this my friend 😉 You’re not alone.
nell@casualfridayeveryday’s last blog post..We Have a Winner (AI Spoiler)