As posted on October 15, 2008
As I am sitting here with the tears falling thinking back to 4 years exactly right now…I just cannot believe it has been 4 years. I was on my way to the hospital.
I remember hubbs telling me, just please let me sleep till midnight. HA.. you better believe when that clock hit 12am… I woke him up. I said hun, I am still having contractions pretty good and we should probably get to the hospital really soon since we are a bit away from it. I woke up my precious Madisyn who had no clue of what was going to about happen and then I woke up my step-daughter who said can I fix my hair. Ummm nope we have got to go. The contractions were coming so hard and painful… I was hitting my window all the way up the mountain to the hospital. It was soooo foggy too and hubbs was trying his best to get us there safely and fast.
I got to the ER and they were like, “Are you in labor?”. UMMMM YES…. that is why I am bent over like this. Ok let’s hurry and get you upstairs. They immediately wheeled me up. I said I don’t know if this is real labor (I was induced with Madisyn), but it sure hurts and I knew I should come to get check. I was two weeks early so I was like… I just don’t know. They said ok, let’s check you to see if we should keep you. I was thinking to myself Lord help us if this is not real. They got me settled in and checked me and OMG I was already dilated 7. I could not believe it. They said, oh yes you are definitely staying. They were hurrying around as fast as they could, because baby girl was coming out fast. They broke my water and I was to a 10 within just a short time… they were like please don’t push, the DR is on his way. Just hold on. Yea right… I can feel her she is coming. I bet I only let out two pushes and in walked the DR and she was out that fast. I knew she had swallowed her meconium because they could tell when they broke my water. But I didn’t know the cord was around her neck twice. I couldn’t hear her cry and she was blue and I immediately lost it. I was crying so hard. The room was swarmed with all kinds of drs and they whisked her away from me. I was like Please Lord, let her be ok… Please! With what seemed forever, I heard her first cry and oh was that a joyous sound to my ears. The team of dr’s got her breathing so well and I already had Madisyn in bed with me so we were itching to hold our beautiful Lyndsee. Yes, Madisyn was in the room with me the whole time and watched her sister be born. I would not have had it any other way.
Here are some pictures of that wonderful October 15, 2004 morning that our baby girl Lyndsee made her big debut.
I was so amazed at all her black hair since when Madisyn was born she was bald hehe. OH gosh what a sweet morning that was. I can’t believe these 4 years have went so fast and she looks so much like a grown little girl. Here is a picture from each of her birthdays.
The big 5 Year Old Princess
I will admit when I put her to bed last night, I had a good cry with L. I was holding her so tight and just telling her how I couldn’t believe she was 5. I told her she had to quit growing so fast. She was hugging me so tight and said but mommy I don’t have to turn 5, I want to stay 4 for you mommy. Ahhhh…. I love her so much. She means so much to our family indeed.
L you have grown by leaps and bounds this last year. You love to dance and sing. I always look forward to your “shows” you put on for us in the living room. You have to make sure your “stage” is set just so perfect before you will make your grand entrance. You are such a follower in your big sister’s footsteps and always wants to be doing what she is doing. Thankfully big sister loves that and you two are truly best of friends.
L you make us laugh so much with all your little stories you come up with and your creativity is out of this world. You cannot be still and always need to be doing something artsy with your time. You love to color, draw, cut paper, glue, and make crafts. You love to surprise us with your little gifts too that always have really big hearts drawn on them. Your big saying is coming up to us and saying “Mommy, I have a present for you” … then you proceed to give the biggest hug ever. I so heart that L. Also, you are always saying “I have big news” then you will say “I just farted” that is so not you girly girl but you think that is just the funniest thing.
L you still have to have mommy’s hair at night to go to sleep and if you wake up in middle of night and mommy is up working… you promptly will yell as loud as you can for mommy to come back to bed. Then we will cuddle and you are right back to sleep. We are still enjoying co-sleeping so much most definitely.
School has started this year for you L, and I couldn’t be more proud. You have come so far and have your very own little best friend now. Yes, the teacher says you are still fragile at school and will not hesitate to shout saying you want your mommy right NOW ;). BUT… you wake up each morning so eager to go to school now, much differently from the beginning of the school year.
I’m just so proud of you my dear and all that you have accomplished in the last 5 years. Never quit being you sissy, because you always know how to bring a smile to everyone’s face. Mommy LOVES you so much my dear and I will always appreciate you so much for being such a mommy’s girl and such a wonderful daughter/little sister!
Happy Birthday baby girl!!
P.S. I told you tonight when I was laying down with you to go to sleep “Sissy, mommy has tried to make your birthday such a special day and I hope that I truly did.” You said: “Mommy it is special, because you are my mommy.” Sniff Sniff, tears rolling!

Thank you give your helpful tips.I want to make friend with you.
You are very good!
Happy Birthday!!! It was great meeting the birthday girl at Disney on Ice. They sure grow up so fast. I’m shedding mommy tears with you.
Your baby is officially not a baby anymore! WAHHHHHHH.
I hardly remember her baby fat days now.
Happy belated bday to your baby.
Children et about so it is fine… At you such lovely girl))) I am assured it will grow a beauty!!!