If you have been following along with me on Facebook, you will know my youngest DD L has been very sick with her asthma and allergies. She is on multiple steroids, antibiotics, antihistamines, 2 allergy shots a week, 3 breathing treatments a day and the list could go on. Her body really needs a break.
Hopefully this morning will be the first step in her body getting the break. I am a nervous mommy as I am such a worry wart. My baby girl is getting her tonsils and adenoids remove. It is a simple surgery but with her asthma, it makes the surgery a bit riskier. I know the Good Lord has his arms wrapped around her and my Grandma is right there as her guardian angel all through surgery and recovery.
Another person that will be by her side for the next 2 weeks during recovery is our doggy. They are truly BFF’s and love each other so much.

Aw, sweet girl! Our girls are the same with Napoleon. They dress him up, even! I prayed for you guys Thursday, and I hope the surgery went well. {HUGS}
.-= Real Life Sarah´s last blog ..Note to Self =-.
That is so sweet! Pets are such wonderful companions for kids. 🙂
.-= Muthering Heights´s last blog ..The Quickest Way To Get A Childs Attention =-.