Having a Birthday Party via an Ice Skating rink provided lots of smiles, laughter and most of all so much fun. It was finally time to celebrate a special little girl’s 8th Birthday. That special little girl would be my precious M!
She has waited so patiently to have her birthday party since she is my little bundle of Christmas joy. Having her birthday party in January just provides a lot more open up schedules with all her friends, so it is what worked well for us this year. Since, she is such a huge winter lover and loves to ski and ice skate, her choice was to have an Ice Skating party. I wasn’t too sure at first how this would go over, but I could just put any doubts out the window as the party was a huge hit by all.
The party was such an answer to this busy mom’s schedule as all I did was pay one set fee and the Ice Skating Rink took care of everything. All we had to do was show up. They provided the cake, all the decorations, the food, the drinks, the ice skates, tokens to the game room and even the goody bags. No stress on this mom at all. M hit the ice as soon as we arrived and looked like she had been skating for years of course. I see more weekends at the rink in our future 😉

M – 8 Years
Oh how I love thee…
You are an amazing young lady who has such a gentle spirit that will be there for anyone. Your teacher says that everyone just loves and adores you in class. She always writes to tell me she wants to have a child like you. You are super smart and very determined to figure out anything. You are very quick to rebound if someone tells you that you are wrong.
You are such a helper as you have been since you could walk. You want to be there to pick up that paper for your classmate, help mommy in the kitchen, help your sister read and teach her to tie her shoe, and even help mommy clean around the house.
You are a friend to everyone and will never release any mean spirit towards anyone. If someone is having a bad day, you are quick to the draw to cheer them up and make them smile. You are always wanting to pray for others to get well.
You love God. You are asking lots of questions and making sure the things you do is what God would want you to do. You love going to church and being involved. You love our devotions.
You are such a computer geek like mommy and can figure out any technology. You text mommy on daddy’s cell phone when mommy is on her trips. You are able to send pictures through daddy’s phone and even send an email. You are an amazing young daughter.
You love being such a girly girl but you still love your sports as well. Softball to be exact and are counting down the days to season starts again. Just like your mommy. Oh how I love you so much.

Looking forward to see what the next year brings with your joy.
Forever Love,

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