Grab your partner and swing them round and round. Wait, this is 2011, dancing has took on a whole new meaning. Could you move your feet to the beat? My precious M showed the world this weekend that she could. Specifically, the dance was called clogging. I am amazed each time I see M clog up on stage. All I keep thinking to myself is how does she move her feet so fast and not fall? Now, this is coming from queen of clumsiness who could fall over her own two feet by walking across the yard. Yes, my friends that would be me. My daughter did not get her dance moves from me, that is for sure.
M took to the stage and the smile on her face never left. She danced like she owned the stage.

She has clogged since she was 5 years old and she loves every minute of it. You can see her in the grocery store just clogging away while I am going up and down the aisles.
Let’s start this dance… get ready… here we go…
We could not be more proud of M and all that she has accomplished in her short 8 years. She amazes us each and everyday and she had two parents that had the biggest smiles on their face the entire time. We are a proud family, what can I say?

She is well on her way of becoming a star. Congratulations M on completing your third year of clogging.

She did an awesome job out there…way to go! You have every reason to be a proud Mama!