I am enjoying doing this each day. It really helps to sit back and think all about your life and how thankful for the many blessings I do have. You hear so much bad news all the time it seems, but if everyone would sit back and just take a few minutes to see the many blessings we do have to be thankful for, we would all be in a much better place.
Today I want to say how thankful I am of my husband Scott. We all know that unfortunately, I had been down the road of marriage before and it was just not meant to be. I was too young and didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t know about counseling or church guidance.. I just did the easy thing and walked away. Not my smartest move, but that is all behind us and the dear Lord had another plan for me. He brought my best friend into my life.
We have had one more journey but it is one journey that I do not regret. I love my husband and the times that we do have. Oh you better believe, we can have some major disagreements, but those are what makes us stronger. We are two totally opposites, but hey they always say opposites attract right? The last 8 years have been so much fun despite all that has been thrown to us. We each have leaned on each other to get through those times and climb the mountain to be able to scream at the top, we made it. We have made it and the Lord has guided us through each time.
You can see us one minute dancing in the house, one minute driving down the parkway to spot deer, one minute taking a last minute road trip, one minute in the floor playing games with our girls, one minute out in the yard trying to act like we are 10 again skipping, one minute blasting loud music, one minute discussing fox news, one minute trying to solve all our problems over Dr. Phil show, one minute moving, one minute hugging our girls and one minute sitting on the couch watching football!
There is never a dull moment, that’s for sure.
He makes life fun not only for me, but for our girls as well. I do have to give him props as well for stepping up and being the dad taxi. Since he has been out of work a year now, and I work and go to school, he picks the girls up from school, he takes them to sports practices, he takes them to dance lessons, he takes them to PTA school nights at our local Chick-Fil-A, he takes them on park dates with their friends and he takes them for daddy dates to our local ice cream parlor. He is such a hands on daddy and that is just one of the great features that I love about him! The girls absolutely adore their daddy too :).
Thank you Scott for being YOU. I know I am not the easiest person to put up with haha, but you do. I LOVE you and so looking forward to the path God is leading us on. It’s been such a fun ride and I am ready to take it to the next level :).
Love and Forever,
Your Wife,

He sounds like such a sweet, loving man!! You are truly a blessed couple! 🙂
So sweet.
Just read this for the first time. So endearing. Love you!