I always wanted to be a mommy growing up. It is something I dreamed of so much as a little girl. Now, my dream has come true. I am a mommy to 2 beautiful girls M and L! I am so thankful for them and every night that I pray, I usually start my prayer out as Thank You Lord, for giving me my girls.
My girls mean so much to me. They have totally opposite personalities in which I love because it makes them both unique. M.. my oldest daughter is such an outgoing little girl. She has several friends at school and wherever we usually go in town… there is someone that is hollering out her name.
She has such a gentle soul and takes after her mommy that she just wants to make everyone happy. She is like this at school. Her teachers always says that M wants to be everyone’s best friend. She is always right there to help her fellow classmate or cheer them up. She never wants to see anyone sad. If she sees me crying, she will come up to me and just hug me so tight and try to do funny things to make me laugh. I just love her so much. She has a quirky side too and will surprise us with some of the things she comes up with.
She is very smart and is very outgoing. She always wants to be doing something. Also she loves Jesus :).
My other little girl is my darling L. She is so precious just like big sis. L definitely has a different personality. She is very shy and very reserved. She does not warm up to strangers much and loves to be right with her mommy. She is very attached to my hair and has to hold it while she is going to sleep every night. She does love to perform for us and do her little shows.
I just love her little sayings she is always coming up that just melts my heart all over. She is very gentle and doesn’t like to be over stimulated. She just loves to be close to home and around her close family and friends. She has a little best friend now and she loves to talk about her. She also loves to sing and talk about Jesus.
Girls I love you both so much and enjoy every single minute of every single day with you. I know mommy is protective of you and will not let you out of my sight, but just know mommy misses you when you are not with me that’s why :). I can’t wait to see the plan God has for you both and I know you will make mommy proud.
Love Always,

I can’t even put into words how much I love having a daughter. And seeing who she is becoming every day! Sweet post…
Sweet daughters you have! I have all boys =)
Your girls ARE beautiful – I love reading more about their personalities! And it always amazes me that no matter what a child is like, the parents I know all find them completely perfect… I know I’m that way.
You’ve always been such a great Mom.